𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 9: 𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓐𝓲𝓶 𝓛𝓸𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓭

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Aki felt awful even before the treacherous words escaped her mouth. She didn't want to believe Hajime was the murderer they were looking for, but he was the only one to meet all the requirements. She covered her mouth as soon as he reacted. His face went blank and he fell completely silent.

"So, Hajime...are you the culprit?" Sora repeated Aki's question.


"W-Wait a minute, Aki! You're saying Hajime's the culprit!? Shinji panicked.

"I-I hate to say that...! I wish I was wrong...But Hajime is the only one who fits all the conditions." Aki answered nervously.

"He helped prepare the party and he stayed late to drink with Yuri. He's the only one that was part of both groups and he's a man as well. Three strikes." Sora nodded.

"That's correct. Hajime Makunouchi is the person I've been the most suspicious of since the very beginning of this trial." Kokoro agreed.

"H-How did you know right off the bat...?" Hibiki wondered.

"Try to remember the question I asked at the very beginning of the investigation. I asked everyone, how do you feel about this murder?"

"I do recall you saying that, but I don't see how that is relevant to the question..." Emma shrugged.

"...I can tell when a person is lying just by hearing them talk." Kokoro typed in her tablet.

"What!? So you know Hajime was the culprit just from that single question!?" Nikei exclaimed.

"Miss Mitsume, your abilities are even more powerful than my magic abilities..." Mikado marveled.

"By comparing the clues and listening to each of the suspects, I was able to easily solve the crime. Hajime, without any doubt in my mind, is the culprit of Yuri Kagarin's murder. That is the undeniable truth."

"T-Then that means...even the person that attacked me...it was all...Hajime?" Yoruko asked worriedly.

The prime suspect finally began to defend himself.

"Hey! Hold on just a damn second! Why am I the culprit all of a sudden!? Don't you remember? I might qualify for the conditions, but that doesn't change the fact that I was drunk. The only person who wasn't drunk was Yoruko! Don't tell me you all forgot about that!"

"Y-Yeah...that is true..." Yoruko confessed.

Aki gasped quietly as she covered her mouth again. Another revelation.

"Yoruko was the only sober person at the party and even she says I was drunk. How the hell could I have killed Yuri? You all said the culprit had to practice their murder multiple times. That's just not possible while drunk. Are you guys accusing me just because I fit your little conditions? Because if you are, I'm about to get really mad!"

Aki looked through her notes frantically as Hajime continued.

"The culprit couldn't have pulled off their plan while drunk. That means the culprit must be someone who wasn't drunk last night!"

"R-Right...there's no way Hajime is the culprit!" Shinji defended.

"Shinji! This isn't about friendship! You need to think logically. Besides, there are other reasons why Hajime is suspicious." Kanade grinned.

"No matter how suspicious I am, I couldn't have done the murder while drunk. Just ask Yoruko!"

"Well, he's not wrong. Everyone who went to the party last night, Hajime included, was completely drunk. Except me, of course..."

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