"To come back to the thank you part, where my lovely wife forgot to let me talk-- I wanted to say thank you as well. Sean is really lucky to have you. The way he is talking about your help is actually really impressive, you seem like a very mature and open-hearted woman.", Michael said grinning, before giving her a gentle hug as well, following his wife. 

At this point, Lana completely cracked. Her emotions overwhelmed her within seconds, which was probably blamed on how exhausted and tired she still was. The embrace of the man she literally knew for ten minutes made her head pretend how it would be to have her father right here at this moment. She didn't know why but whenever she was feeling cranky her dad was more present in her mind than on every other day. She often leaned back and listened to music she used to enjoy with him on such days, remembering him with a happy and sad eye at the same time. And right now Sean's father was bringing back the feeling of having him right here by her side. Michael's hug didn't feel like a hug from a friend, there was something special about it. Something that made her feel deeply and comfortable, like a hug from a loving father. 

"I am sorry.", Lana said embarrassed when her eyes filled up with tears. She placed Amélie in Sean's arms before basically running inside because of how ashamed she was about her behavior. 

Sean looked after her, debating in his head if he should follow or give her the space she might need. Michael looked confused but also apologizing in the direction she went, not understanding why the woman in front of him had acted like that. 

"Ehm… did I do something?", he asked slightly, trying to think of a reason. 

"No… I… I think this was about her father. She lost him at a very young age and she has phases, where she is extremely sensitive about that. Even if it was decades ago. I think it has never really left her because it was quite tragic and unexpected.", Sean confessed.

"I better go after her. She isn't really in a good place today and hasn't eaten a bite yet.", he said, handing Amélie back to his father. 

"Poor thing. You go, I will prepare something light for her in hope that she will eat it.", Kathleen decided, sending Sean off. He actually found her sitting on his bed, looking extremely upset and mentally in a dark place. 

"Lana… hey. Don't cry. Please.", Sean said, hurrying to get to her. He immediately wrapped his arms around her small body, pulling her closer to calm her down. 

"I completely embarrassed myself in front of them because I couldn't hold it together!", Lana cried out, sobbing into his shirt. 

"No, you didn't. I explained to them. They understand and would never judge you, Lana. You're just tired and that makes you more emotional, that's completely normal.", Sean assured her, whilst rubbing her back. 

"You know that I love you for that, right? For saying all these nice things... ", Lana said, laughing slightly whilst still sobbing at the same time. 

Sean let out a silent sigh, not wanting to show her how he really felt about those words. He was humbled with his response, trying to not make himself look like a fool.

"I love you too.", Sean said smilingly, whilst his heart ached. He wanted to slap himself so badly right now, just telling her the truth, stop dancing around each other as Tanya described it. But he couldn't. He just couldn't, even though this woman in front of him looked like his dream of a future. A future he wanted so badly but didn't want to risk his friendship for. 


A softly spoken "Hey", along with a gentle knock on the door frame let Lana open her eyes slightly, seeing Kathleen standing there, holding a plate and a cup of water. "Sean and his Dad left for some food shopping… I made you some lunch.", she said whilst walking up to her, placing the cup down on the nightstand. 

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