Chapter 15

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Fear awoke in the early morning, he was warm and comfortable. His shattered wrist throbbed in pain but it was worth it to escape. He heaved a sigh and got up. Fear felt better, now that he had told someone what had been bothering. He folded the blankets carefully and sniffed the air. Seth's apartment smelled strongly of, well Seth. But also food, soap and beer. Fear moved into Seth's kitchen, being careful not to knock anything over or hit his head on the roof. He opened the fridge and was wonderfully surprised to find that it was full. He rifled through it and extracted eggs, butter, tomatoes, and cheese. Next Fear went through the cabinets and found a cast iron pan. 

It was obvious that Seth didn't cook for himself often, because he had no spices aside from salt and pepper. Fear thought for a moment, he needed basal, garlic, onion, parsley and bacon. He exited Seth's apartment. He wanted to find a store and reached out into many people's minds till he found the closest one. Standing in the shadows he picked a person. She was average, about 5,5" blond hair and wearing blue jeans, a white tank top, and black shoes. He quietly and slowly took hold of her mind, so as to not startle her. Once inside, he steered her to pick up his ingredients. As he did so he pushed the feeling that she needed them into her thoughts. While she was there he had her pick up some other spices, such as turmeric and cumin. She paid for the things and Fear made her leave the bag of his things in a bush behind the market. Fear let her go and picked up the bag before rushing back to Seth's place. Seth was still fast asleep, giving Fear the time to concentrate on cooking. He whisked the eggs, added some of the spices and heated up the pan. A lovely smell of frying garlic and butter filled the air. He shuffled around the kitchen and looked for another pan. He found one, in the back of a cabinet, covered in dust and unused. He rinsed it and turned on another burner. Fear washed his hands and used his claws to nimbly slice the onion, parsley and basil. He then set them aside and placed the bacon on the second pan. It sizzled and popped loudly. Fear stirred the eggs into the pan with the butter and garlic. He waited a moment and then added the onion, parsley and basil. Fear plucked the now cooked bacon out of the pan and diced it into small squares. He put it on the omelet and folded it. Fear didn't plan on making one for himself, but he wanted to thank Seth. Fear took the omelet off the heat and was about to slice the tomatoes when he heard footsteps. 

"Whatcha cookin?" Seth asked. Fear turned around tomato in hand "an omelet." Seth's lips stretched into a smile, "I didn't know you could cook'' Fear shrugged and started to slice the tomato. "Well after 50 years things tend to get boring." Seth nodded "that makes sense." Fear turned back and opened the cabinet above the sink, to get a plate. He slid the omelet off the pan and placed the tomatoes and cheese on top. Seth not so discreetly sniffed the air "it smells good" he commented. Fear smiled inwardly. "Thank you,'' he said, turning around and handing Seth the plate. Seth took it quizzically, "aren't you going to eat one?" Fear shook his head, "no, i plan on eating the rest of the bacon." he grabbed the package, it was only about three pounds of raw meat, but it would do. Seth eyed the package curiously and went to sit down at his table. Fear opened it and stuffed the meat into his mouth. He then sat down at the table, and clasped his hands. He wanted to know if what he made was good. Fear watched intently as Seth took the first bite, and visibly melted into his chair. "Oooohhh, that is so good," he said happily. Fear dipped his head "glad you like it." 

Seth stuffed his face with the omelet and Fear felt a creeping sense of pride in his skills. But there was another feeling, one fear was finding it difficult to ignore. He got up. "I'm going to get going," he announced. Seth looked up from his plate. "Why so? '' he questioned. "I don't want to go back to the labs." Seth put down his fork, "I wasn't going to turn you in, you can stay here." Fear's face heated as blood rushed to it. "No, I must really get going," he said assertively. Seth looked concerned "are you sure." Fear huffed a "yes." He really couldn't stay here. He had fallen for Seth, and staying here breathing in his scent, talking to him in a comfortable space was not helping. Seth got up and attempted to touch Fear, to comfort him. But Fear scooted away. "Don't touch me" he said in irritation. Seth turned his palms out "so that's it, you're just going to leave." Fear backed away "i can't stay here, it's not you... well it is you but it's also me." Fear explained. Seth's face turned to one of annoyance "what do you mean it's me?" 

Fear blushed, and was thankful for his dark skin. "I...I have stupidly, mindlessly allowed myself to fall head over heels in love with you." he confessed. Seth looked stunned, it was apparent this was not the answer he was expecting. Fear waited with baited breath for Seth to respond. "I understand," Seth murmured slowly. Fear sighed "i should leave, because i can't help myself, your just so gosh darn cute.'' Seth blinked and fear turned to go. But a hand caught his arm. "It's ok, you can stay,'' Seth said softly. "I just need some time to think." Fear stopped "ok, i'll stay, but don't say i didn't warn you.'' Seth nodded slowly and sat back down to finish his food. Fear groaned inwardly, he wasn't sure if Seth felt the same way about him. But he was sure going to try his best to woo Seth. Fear wanted to clean himself up first. "Seth, can I use your shower.'' Seth looked up, "sure," he stated distantly. Fear dipped his head, "thanks." he said, padding down the hallway to Seth's bathroom.

ehehehehe these two are so awkward :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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