Chapter 12

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Seth spent the whole night thinking. He decided that tomorrow he would go in, he would bring some food for Fear and he would act as if nothing happened. To be honest he was scared of what they might do if he decided that he was going to give up this job, now that he knew that they had a dangerous creature in their possession. If he did decide to leave he could use all the information that he gained and would be gaining as leverage against the labs. 

Seth got to his poor old truck and took the long drive down to the labs, he was ready. Seth's large Blue lunch box held a package of frozen meat. He wasn't sure if Fear could eat it as it wasn't human, it was just beef. Seth didn't say a word to Jim or Lily when he walked into the lab he simply just grabbed his notebook and walked out. When he got to room 10A, he noticed that there were more guards outside than usual. The guard standing right next to the door gave Seth a small nod and let him open it. Fear was laying in the middle of the room, he didn't move once Seth opened the door which was unusual as he seemed to have extremely sensitive hearing. Seth pulled out the package of meat that he had hidden inside his jacket pocket. Fear twitched and gasped for air. He looked straight at Seth. Seth drew his eyebrows together "Are you okay he asked inquisitively. " I'm fine " , Fear replied, rubbing his forehead. Seth shrugged it off and extended his hand with the package of meat. Fear looked at it and then back at Seth. "Did you bring this for me?" he asked quietly. Seth nodded and Fear quickly snatched the food from his hand. He ripped it open and to Seth's utter horror a second mouth opened on Fear's chest. Fear swallowed the meat whole and licked the "lips" of his second mouth with a long black tongue. Fear looked sheepish, well as sheepish as a monster could, when he handed the torn package back to Seth. "Thank you," he said. "What was that?! Seth burst out pointing at Fear's chest. Fear looked down at his now smooth torso. "That was my true mouth, it leads directly to my stomach." he explained to Seth. Seth stepped forwards, he suddenly felt the urge to touch Fear's teeth, he wanted to know how they felt, how much power was behind them. "You may touch them" Fear started suddenly as if reading Seth's thoughts. Seth got closer and ran his hand over Fears snout. The bone was surprisingly very warm and smooth. He touched the largest pair of teeth and Fear opened his mouth. It too had a black tongue and a second row of teeth, though these ones were smaller and sharper. "What does this mouth do?" Seth asked. Fear turned away "I can't tell you." Seth was confused, but he didn't push. Instead he wants to talk about what the labs plan to do. "Hey Fear" Fear turned back towards him " yes" he said. Seth sighed and got straight to the point "do you know what the labs are planning to do." Fear paused for a moment before responding. "I'm not quite sure, because the other researchers aren't quite sure themselves. Fear explained. Seth cocked his head and asked a question that had been nagging him. "How do you know? I know you said you're in our heads, but how?" Fear tapped his chin "again I'm not quite sure, but I think it has something to do with brain waves.

So you read minds" Seth stated. Fear nodded "yes I can even control your hind brain if I so wish" Seth stared at Fear in disbelief, "are you in my head right now" he squeaked out. Fear shook his head  and chuckled. "No, no I am not in your head, I want to respect your privacy." Seth didn't quite understand why Fear chose to stay out of his mind, or if he was even telling the truth. It was ok though. Seth smiled and tucked the used package back in his jacket pocket. "I'll see you later", Fear seemed to wilt a little but nodded. "See you" he said. Seth left, he had more on his mind then when he went in, and today yielded nothing useful aside from Fears "true" mouth.~

(This part gets gory and more horrifying)

Fear groaned, his whole body ached. He wished Seth had stayed longer, he didn't know why, he just did. Fear had lied, he knew what Eva was planning for him but he didn't want to worry Seth. Again he didn't know why. Soon after Seth left, a hoard of people entered. Fear didn't have the energy to fight back. They surrounded him quickly and pinned him down. The researcher named Jim held a syringe filled with a colorless liquid. Fear snarled and thrashed, as he got closer. The many guards shoved him down harder, keeping him still. Jim injected the solution in his shoulder, before jumping back. The guards let him go and they all backed away. Fear got up with a growl, what had they just injected him with. Jim waved the guards out. " He won't be dangerous now '' Jim stated ominously. Fear wanted to rip his throat out. He couldn't. 

He panted heavily, his chest felt constricted and his heart started to race. He turned his head to look at his shoulder. The muscles around the injection site were twitching rapidly. Fear vision blurred, he collapsed. His body began to convulse. He vomited up a black slurry from his pseudo mouth. That wasn't right. His chest heaved as he struggled to breath. He was aware of his lungs filling with liquid and it began to froth from his nose. His muscles continued to spasm uncontrollably as Jim stood and watched this violent reaction. His expression was cold as he jotted notes down in his notebook. Fear gagged, his body desperately trying to rid itself of the poison. He wasn't strong enough. Was this it, Fear thought as his mind started to darken, was this misery finally going to end. His body finally succumbed and he died.

Then he was back, his body forcing him to conscious again, only for him to vomit up more blood and convulse. This loop of torture went for who knows how long. Jim continued to watch patiently. Fear hated him. But he felt great relief when the twitching stopped. Fear gasped for breath, his lungs once again able to draw in oxygen. 

New and intoxicating rage filled him. He would kill them, it would be a bloodbath when he got out of here. He got up on shaky legs and lunged towards Jim. "Weak. Weak. You're WEAK." Those words rang out in his mind when he fell short, staggering to the ground. Jim chuckled, "We're done here" he said, turning his back to Fear. "food. Food. FOOD!!" Fear needed food.

This man, he was an arrogant fool.

Never turn your back to a predator.

Fear snarled and grabbed the unguarded man. He screamed as Fear sunk his teeth into the soft flesh of Jim's neck. He twisted his head, crimson blood sprayed across his muzzle and face. Jim's screams turned to ugly gurgles as his blood began to choke him. Fear didn't let go until Jim's thrashing and twitching stopped. He was just food now, limp and nameless. Fear forced him into his mouth. He licked his jaws and claws. He was done being here and with a meal to fuel his body he could escape. He burst his way through the door. The hallway was filled with guards. An unearthly silence fell upon them at the sight of the blooded monster. With a roar that shook the walls, Fear charged. They immediately ran, trampling over one another. Those unfortunate enough to stick behind, were ripped apart. Fear was beyond mad, and his rage radiated outwards. All he saw was red. Fear liked this feeling, it was something other than empty pain. And he didn't plan on stopping.~

Seth looked up from his phone. He was sure he had heard something. Curiously he got up and opened the door to step out into the hallway. He was instantly shoved back and the sound of screams reached his ears. The person to shove him back was another researcher. "It got out" he yelled. "What?!" Seth said. "The creature, it's on a rampage," the researcher explained as he closed and locked the door. This was bad, Seth knew just how strong Fear was when he wasn't mad. He shuddered thinking of what would happen if Fear got his claws on someone "Where are you going?!" the researcher yelled. Seth's hand was on the door knob. "I'm going to try and talk to him." The researcher reached out to grab Seth and pull him back but Seth was faster. He jumped out into the chaos filled hall. People shoved past him to escape. Seth heard a loud roar, a sound he didn't know Fear could produce. It was high pitched but had an underlying baritone note. In a matter of moments the hallway was empty and it grew quiet. Seth picked up his pace and when he rounded the corner he was greeted with the sight of blood. Both red and black. A pit formed in Seth's stomach, and he felt the urge to vomit. Standing in the middle of the hall was Fear. He was clutching one of the guards, his jaws wide around her neck, threatening to clamp down. Seth realized why, at the opposite end of the hall. Was a line of people, holding guns. "Fear" Seth called out. Fear's body went rigid and Seth swore he could see his eyes move to look back at him. Seth stepped past Fear, over the blood and positioned himself between the two parties. He turned his head to the guards. "You need to put down your guns" he commanded. "Hell no," one of them yelled. "If you don't he will kill her" Seth stated grimly. The guard he was talking to, gritted his teeth but set down his gun. The others followed suit and put down their weapons. Seth turned back to Fear. His chest was heaving, and blood flowed freely down his face. "Please let her go," Seth pleaded. Fear growled but moved his jaws away from her neck. "Why should i" he bellowed. "They will just put me back in that cage." Seth took a step forward. "Please Fear, it is the right thing to do." Fear's eyes narrowed " is it right that they starve me?" Seth was about to answer but was cut off. "Is it right that they keep me here against my will. Is it right that they poison me to watch me die again and again." Fear seethed. Seth shook his head. " No, it's not right, but you can be better than them." Fear sighed and bowed his head. He let the guard go and she immediately ran to her friends. Seth stopped closer " it's ok." as soon ans the words left his mouth, he heard a click. Whipping around he saw the barrel of a gun pointed at him. Seth barely had time to register the large clawed hands throwing him out of the way. BANG!!

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