
Most of the day and evening we spent waiting around. We ended up driving to Anna's house to wait there after dinner. We haven't heard anything since this morning. Nell was busy working in the office and I was walking around the house trying to find something to do to fill my time. I had a call with my sisters earlier. "Do you really have to work right now?" I asked entering the office. "I do, yes." "But why? Your nephew is being brought into the world as we speak." "He is," She says agreeing with my statement. "Then why are you working, it's 11 o'clock on Christmas." "Practically finished with now." "What are you working on?" I pulled her seat out and sit down on her lap not waiting to be invited by her. "Our wedding photos." "You know the photographer was meant to do that. We would have had them finished a lot sooner if you just let them do it." "We would have but they wouldn't be done the way you like." "Not true." I object and then she pulled up a photo. "Gross." My skin was so shiny and pale. "Exactly. So will you stop complaining?" I sit there and watch her edit them so they were ready to be compiled into a wedding book. She already made our scrapbook from the film cameras we had laid out, it sat proudly on our shelf in New York with all our other scrapbooks. We had one for every birthday, Christmas/thanksgiving, trip, work project, and random moments in our life. I sat and thought about them and how quickly they'll grow when we have children. Nell's hand rested on my tummy under my top her thumb stroking the skin as she focused on the screen in front of her. It's like she can read my mind whenever I think about the baby which is always her hand just finds its way there. Almost reassuring me I wasn't deluding myself and that there really was a growing baby inside of me. 

"Are you finished?" I asked when she clicks off the screen. She yawned and nodded. "I have a headache." "Because you left your glasses in NYC." I highlight it to her. If I don't check her bags before we leave she always forgets something. She forgot her passport once. We had to go all the way back home and since then I keep it with me in my bag. "I know." I massaged her head to relieve the tension and she relaxed. "Let's go join your brother in the lounge." She nodded and waited for me to get up. We went to the lounge and settled on the sofa watching a Christmas film. 

Her mum came in but everyone but me was asleep. "Hi," I whispered. "Hi." She smiled. "Is he here?" I asked she nodded a smile spreading on her lips. "Looks just like his dad." She says proudly. "Princess," Nell mumbled against my neck. "Your mummy's home," I said nudging her awake. "Is he okay?" "He is, 7lbs 8oz born 2 hours ago." Nell looked at her watch. "Damn he missed Christmas." She pouted. "What did they name him? Justin Robert Hastings but they're going with J R are his name." I smiled. "Cute." "Very... You two go to bed." "There's dinner in the kitchen," Nell says standing up slowly, when she was on her feet she stretched her arm out to me and I took it and we went to the top floor and both collapsed on the bed ready to have some quality sleep.


My bump is starting to show, not too big where I can't hide it with clothes, I'm just glad we're still in New York and not in LA in tiny bikinis. We avoided the 'why aren't you drinking it's your birthday' comments by going back to England. We went for our late honeymoon in January and fell in love and so we went back for my birthday to the same little village we stayed in. I joked about buying a place out there and Nell didn't seem overly horrified by the idea. At this point, we have 3 homes we own, one in LA a house in NYC and our first apartment that we still sneak off to some weekends to hide from everyone. 

Currently, we were laid in bed Nell was getting ready to go out with Scarlett and Rose on an Adventure day which is essentially running around the city and doing what Rose wanted to do. Colin was meant to accompany Scarlett but he had to go to LA for some work thing so Nell was going to help. Rose is getting crazier by the second she has this big personality and she is so sassy it's hilarious but she's still in her running stage and it takes two sets of eyes and arms to keep up with her so Nell was going. She was dressed and ready to go but I made her lay back down with me. She didn't complain she laid down her hand rubbing my growing bump, I was only in a sports bra and shorts so it was on full display. 

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