53: Birthday Surprise

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I danced around my bedroom getting ready with a drink in hand. Yes it was only 1 o'clock but it's my birthday and I can do whatever I want. Plus MK is like 7 drinks in already. "You don't know you're beautiful, that's what makes you beautiful." I sing to Lizzie through the mirror, she rolls her eyes at me. "Dork." "Fucking rude." I laugh out sitting on her lap. "You need to start getting ready, sweetheart." "Um, I am. My hair is in the rollers you set out for me and my dress is hanging up over there and my makeup is about to be done by my crazy talented girlfriend." "Oh is it?" "Please and Thank you." She raised an eyebrow. "Can't say no it's my birthday." I used her move on me. "Fine, but don't complain if it takes me forever." "You have until 2." I say shifting on her lap. "Sit still." "Yes, ma'am." "Ew. Never call me that." "Okay, okay." I say laughing. I winked at her and she was giving me a look so I laughed more. "Quit it and sit still." She says.

I sat still and sang along to the music sipping my wine whilst she did my make-up when she concentrating she sticks her tounge out and it's really cute and she gets super close to my face and I get to look into her galexy eyes, they were a unique shade of green, like summer leaves, but they go to a light sage in the right lighting. Like now the sun is shining through the window we're sitting beside and it's catching her eyes perfectly. "You're beautiful." I say to her still in my trance. She blushed. "A whole year and still blushing at my compliments." I smirked. "It's tomorrow." "I'm aware." I say still gazing into her perfect eyes.

"A year." I whispered to her. "Thanks for kissing me that night." "Thanks for being there when I got home." We both had these dumb goofy smiles on our faces. I was head of heels for her and I couldn't wait for tomorrow. I had special plans and it was going to be great. By tomorrow I mean midnight tonight. "Do my hair?" She asked when she finished with my make-up. I nodded and went and got the hot tool from Ash in the bathroom and came back to finish her hair. We were going on this drink until you can't no more night it starts at 3 this afternoon. And I and the twins and Lizzie are going and it's going to be great. Florence and Raffie are coming too. I gave Scar the pass because she's very pregant and due in two weeks. I keep talking to the little bean and Scarlett sings to them and it's adorable. Lizzie gets this dumb smile on her face.

I finished Lizzie's hair and then changed before taking the hot rollers out and Lizzie styled it. I finished my drink I had been nursing for the past hour and slipped on my shoes. Lizzie's phone was ringing on the bedside table. "Princess." "It's fine." She was helping MK change in the bathroom. It stopped ringing so I continued to adjust my hair and dress. My phone rang so I picked it up putting it between my shoulder and ear. "Hello?" I answered still fluffing my hair in the small mirror on the desk. "Nell thank God you answered!" Colin. "Colin?" "Yeah." "Oh my gosh! Is scarlett okay?" "She's in labour now and we're freaking out. Her mums not here and." "We're on our way."

"Elizabeth, butt in the car now." I say kicking my heels off and shoving my feet in my worn old converse. "What?" "Scarlett's in the hosptial. Babies coming. Butt in the car." I pulled her out of the apartment. Well my birthdays been highjacked. "My phone." "I got it." I say tossing it to her. We quickly got in the car that was meant to take us to the drinking day but now changed plans.

We rushed up to the labour suite and Scarlett was in a lot of pain and she was swearing at literally every single person in the room. "Please tell me one of you two know how to stop that?" Colin begged. "Um..." Lizzie said watching with wide eyes. "No?" She says frowning in concern and tilting her head. "Nell?" I open and close my mouth. "You did this!" She says pointing at Colin, I pushed my lips into a straight line supressing my laughter, Colin looked petrifed and it was funny. "Promise me you will hit me over the head if I swear at everyone like that." "Quit judging. I think it hurts." I say to her tilting my head as I watch Scarlett curse at everyone. "What do we do?" She asked me. "I have no clue." "Ahh!" "Okay, hi, Scar." I say softly pulling Lizzie with me. "Thank God someone competant." Well, she's expecting a lot from two people that have no clue what they're doing. I looked at Lizzie. "What do you need?" She asked. "I don't know. I can't do this." "Yes, you can Scar." Lizzie brushed her hair off of her face. "You got this." "It hurts." "Thats because a human this big is coming out of a space this big." I gesture with my hands and Lizzie hits me. I rubbed my chest where she hit and hold off on complaining as any pain I was feeling Scar was feeling it way. Way worse. "It really hurts. No one said it would hurt this much."

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