chapter eight

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The world is against me. I am sure of it. Or maybe it is just this week is against me. I am going with the latter.

The ideal thing to do right now is refrain from any sort of alcohol. I suffered the repercussions of that after the confrontation with Ben. Waking up that morning had been a hellhole. Not only had I woken up with an immense hangover, my lady days finally decided to pay a visit with painful cramps to match the pounding in my head.

So yes, the past few days have been—to put it plainly—splendid. With intended sarcasm.

I suggested attending a party to Brooklynn. Said I needed something to get my mind off of things, per usual. That seems to be the reason for a lot of my decisions recently. All the thoughts that I have been waiting to air out for so long were finally released today. It feels like a relief, but at the same time; I feel devoid.

I lost two people who, at the beginning of college, I believed could do no wrong in my eyes. Couldn't betray or disappoint me. But that was just me looking through rose-colored glasses, wanting to see the best in everybody as I navigated the freedom I was growing accustomed to.

Drunken students loiter around the outside of the house. One of the soccer players—I think his name is Carter? Charlie? I don't exactly remember, but that is beside the point. Aidan's teammate is throwing the party. When I brought up the idea of going to one to Brooklynn, she said it was perfect because Aidan was planning on going anyway, but she was still hesitant, but now she had a reason to go.

I would've come earlier had I not had to cover for one of my colleagues at the hospital. The hospital runs sort of like a training program for people who are working to become a surgeon or something else in the medical field. It is a tough program to get into and I am thankful they gave me the opportunity.

Walking up the driveway, I look around. The sun has already set, casting the street in a dim glow from the street lamps. The grass holds droplets of water from the fleeting rainfall we got today.

There are a few people standing astray outside the house pounding with music and I am pretty sure if I look to my right, I might just see an eyeful of two people having sex in a bush. Just an assumption, but judging by the hushed grunts and moans, the rustling of leaves, and a pained "ow!" that leaves someone's mouth, I think I can deem my assumption correct.

I approach the house and as soon as I enter and take only a few steps inside, someone throws themselves at me. "Brinley! I was wondering when you would get here." Brooklynn slurs her words slightly, throwing her arm loosely around my shoulder. Her cheeks are flushed and her pupils dilated. Aidan follows closely behind her.

Ignoring her, I look up at Aidan, raising an eyebrow. "Drunk?"

He grunts, rolling his eyes in a mock annoyed manner. "Almost."

I chuckle just as Brooklynn unentangled herself from me, walking to her left. "Camron! The one and only," Brooklynn slurs once again with an overjoyed smile.

I have only seen Brooklynn drunk a handful of times in my life, but I have seen her enough to know that when she is intoxicated; she is one of the friendliest people you will ever meet. She will go up to anybody and make conversation as though they had been childhood friends that hadn't seen each other in years.

One time, we spent a weekend in LA and we went clubbing. Sure enough, we both ended up drunk—her more so than I was—wandering the streets in Downtown LA like clueless puppies. On the streets, there was a group of about five guys in their mid-twenties, and the normal person would walk past them and carry on with their night. Not Brooklynn, though. She went up to every one of them, giving them each an individual meaningful hug before having a deep, just as meaningful conversation. The guys were creeped out until I assured them she wasn't a crazy person, just highly intoxicated, and dragged her away until she embarrassed herself.

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