chapter 14

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Batuk...where is bondita? Kaka asked batuk who is passing by his room to kitchen..

Kaka, she is in kitchen..probably preparing for dinner..batuk said casually

Haaa? He exclaimed

Anirudh,completed his lecture this much early?
But, I didn't heard any noises?
Yelling ; shouting? Kaka wondered

What are you saying kaka?
Batuk groaned..
He is going toward kitchen with a hope of gulping sweets..
But, his kaka stopped him in middle..

Chillaya nhi anirudh, bondita pe?
Kya kaha usne usse?
Bechari, ro rahi hogi ... before he could continue his talks..

Kakaa...dada didn't  scold her,
Not even shouted ..
And why are you asking me kaka?
You were there na? He asked

Haa..par hamri jaane ke baad? Jaka asked

Kuch nhi hua kaka,
Dada didn't shout , yell or scolded her..
Instead, dada spoke with her calmly..and Iam going kaka ..he said and ran to avoid further questions from his kaka.. kaise ho sakta hai?
Anirudh didn't shout?
Hey bhagwaan,
Surely he was possessed...
Bihari...oo bihari...gangajal lao kaka yelled to his evarlasting partner..

Bihari who is carrying a steel container..dropped it to the ground..hearing his maalik's shout

Aayi bademaalik..he said and ran out of the kitchen ,not caring about the surroundings..

Aree bharibabu, slow. Bondita shouted finding him running with his heavy body..bur he already crossed the kitchen door...

She chuckled to herself and resumed her work

Suddenly, batuk barged into the kitchen..
Making her jump from place, scared me ..she said keeping all the dishes on the table in the kitchen..and wiped hands with her pallu

What batuk? You are in kitchen? She asked putting off the clay stove with water sitting on the ground..

I want to eat sweets, he said sitting beside her..

Batuk, in this time, it's time for dinner, she said

She shook his head in disbelief..
Wait, i will get for you,
She said standing up and searching for sometime, she found the sweet container..
And opening it , she licked her lips seeing sandesh, chom chom..

Observing her, batuk lightly slapped his head...minutes back only she said it's dinner time,
Now, she is gazing at them hungrily..

Comimg to her,
He smacked her head, bringing her out..

What are you looking at ? Give me..he asked making her shock

Batuk, ee pura tumhareliye nhi..
We have share 50, 50 she said

I know it baba,
Not then, when did you let me have my food without sharing ? He said with sarcasm making her pout..

And you know, It's doesn't even fell like eating without giving you,
Asli maza tho, tunse share karne me aur jhagda karneme me aathe ..he said making her smile..

Chalo, chalo..we have finish it quickly..
Saying they got under the table..started gulping their sweets..

Where In study,
Anirudh, sat on the couch leaning his head back, closing his eyes..
He unable to understand what is going with him..

When he got to know, bondita didn't return yet, his anger reached at his peaks..
More than anger, fear engulfed his heart for her safety..

When he found her in safe state,
Unknown to him,tears of relief flown from his eyes..

Withour delaying or caring about surroundings, he held her to his chest,
Comforting himself, that she is safe..
Normalising, his heart beat which pumped with fear before seeing her,

It had been nearly two hours, since he is sitting in his study
With silence as only his companion..

When saudamini entered into study with him,
He told her to leave him alone for sometime..

Rubbing his hands on his face,
He breathed long..
He stood up, his feet walked toward their photo in barrister robe
Which is hanging by wall..
She is just 11 when they got clicked together..
Her eyes are shining, lips curved into a wide smile, dimple on her right cheek..

Anirudh touched her picturw with his palm..
Barrister babu bondita, he whispered to himself

Anirudh . A call from saudamini broke his chain of thoughts..

He turned to her, and raised his eyebrows asking what's the reason for arrival..

Just Iam getting bored, so thought why not to read books..she said

Nodding, he walked to book racks..
And picked up some random but interesting book

Take this bondita, It is a crime thriller .you will enjoy.he said forwarding the book to saudamini without turning

Anirudh..she called out

Turning to him,
He closed his eyes to control his frustration on himslef.

Still thinking about bondita? She questioned, taking the book from his hands.

Anirudh, she is safe now, In home only. It's ok she didn't go anywhere she said

It's not ok,
It's not the first time,
She will alway be like this only careless.
Once she fell from tree,
And once, head injury
And what not,
She doesn't even know, how much it pains me, seeing her in pain

I told her many times, not to go alone ..
She is not safe here,
Most of the people, are not okay with staying bondita in rc haveli..

That's the main problem,
I can take care of her , when Iam with her,
But when Iam in court or out the village..I don't know..
Eventhough batuk and som takes great care of her along with all family members
But my heart won't be at peace,
That's why..

Bohot pyaar karte ho na tum bondita se? Saudamini asked cutting his sentence..

Anirudh looked at her with shock..

Mini,have you gone mad?
It's not like that,
We are just friends..
Friends for life time.
Bondita is my zimmedari, and it's my responsibility to take care of her ..anirudh said

Tho tum kisi nhi zimmedari leliya tho aise hi care karoge kya? Jaise tum bondita ko care karrraheho?
So she is normal to you like every one? She asked

No , how could be she will be normal for me?
She is special..
Very special for me..

My bondita is very special..not like normal people ..
She is a special zimmedari..
She is my responsibility..
Which I want to take care through out my life time.

he said this with smile..

This is called love anirudh.. she said

No's just my care towards bondita..

Ohh so, don't  you have any problem, If she marries or loves someone ? She asked

Making anirudh shock,
She won't go anywhere leaving me..
She will be infront of my eyes only
You are talking rubbish..anirudh said walking forward..

This is now anirudh, but after few years, what if the situation demands you both to stay apart, will you let her go? She asked

Breathing long,
Yes..he agreed with a heavy heart
If she wants to move from here...i will let her go.
And I know, it will happen for sure
Not immediately but definitely
She have to go .
It's her life..
Iam just a part of her story
He said
Unknown to him tears formed in his eyes
At the mere idea of going her away
The fact he doesn't know till now is
He is not a mere part of her story..
Instead, he is the whole story of her life.
Her story is incomplete with him..

Same like,
his story is incomplete with her.

Anirudh,  I know you love bondita with all your heart and soul..
But don't worry..
You yourself realise it soon..
Saudamini thought seeing anirudh retreating figure.

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