chapter 13

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Sun rays peeped into the rc haveli
Bringing a new morning
It's been two days since bondita recovered and started to going school

Somehow anirudh and saudamini became normal
They used be some nice talks between them
Bondita too bonded well with saudamini and very happy noticing that her parididi is back

Saudamini too guilt free ..
But still trinoy and somtuk have issues..
Mostly elders.

As usual,
Bontuk and som left for their educational institutions.
Kaka for his zamindaari work
Binoy for factory
Anirudh for court
Only samdini
Koyili  and bihari


Bontuk day went well in the school
It's eveening arleady
All students walking out of the school as the last bell rung

Bontuk too reached the gate,
Bondita is walking, followed by batuk behind

Batuk why are walking like a bride? Pace up.bondita said

But she received silence as a reply,
She turned to look at batuk
And found he is signalling something to his friends
Who stood at a little distance from there.

What's the matter? She asked

Vo, we decided to play  cricket match today, but dada ..
Inform dada. That i will study for an extra hour tomorrow.
Pls.he asked holding her hands

Me, no baba ,he don't agree
Instead chillana shuru kardete she said

Pls, pls you are my only best friend ..
Can't you do this much for me batuk asked with puppy eyes

ok..ok but come soon she said
Thank you...saying batuk ran away

Pagal ladka .she mumbled to herself and started walking
But on her way,
A thought crossed her mind, suddenly she checked her bag and found books which she brought from library

Offo bondita, you again forgot about these books..ok i will return them now saying to herself
She made her way towards library

Reaching the library,
She returned the books,
She tried to walk out , but she can't as her eyes got a notice of  a particul book
The age of adolescence the book suggested

Picking book
She sat on the bench reading it,
She is Totally lost in that book, that she forgot the surroundings, analysing the points in the book
She doesn't even know when it became dark

Mam it's time to close the library, librarian said to her

Ohh sorry sir , i didn't noticed and i want this book she said and signing the stepped out of the library

In rc haveli
Trilochan returned from his work
And found tensed faces of samdhini , koyili ,bihari, som
Bihari came and gave trilochan water

What happend? Sab pareshaan lagraheho he asked
Jeth ji, bondita didn't returned from school yet sampoorna said

What?he angrily stood up
Batuk too she added
May be they are along, aati honge he said

Before he could say anything,batuk entered, his clothes are stained and he is looking exhausted..

Before he could sit on the couch
All bombered on him with questions

Stop, a shout came from somwhere ,
All turned their face and found an irritated anirudh

All gulped seeing him, not knowing what he will do, after knowing bondita is not returned from school

What happened, why all of you shouting like frogs .anirudh shouted

Where they are wondering ,
Is he shouting or them..?

Anirudh bondita is not at home saudamini said making trilochan glare at her

What? Batuk is here , then where can she go? Anirudh questioned

All heads turned to batuk ,
Anirudh too looked at him folding his hands indicating him too start
Dada, i don't know where she is,
I left to play cricket with my friends after informing her , he said gulping

What? Batuk how could you leave her alone like that? How many times i told you,not to leave her..
alone he shouted
don't where she is . He mumbled himself
Fear gripped his heart
It's already 7pm, she is alone
Villagers are still has issues with them,
Sweat bead formed on his forehead
Anirudh runned his face with his palms, his mind analysing the worst possibilities..
Without saying anything  anirudh walked outside
Dada wait somtuk said in union and followed him
Anirudh got into the car with somtuk and started driving
Eventhough his hands on steering, his eyes are sesrching for bondita

Where bondita is walking towards rc haveli enjoying her solitude
Her bag hanging by her shoulders
Jingling sounds of her anklets echoing in empty streets sorry sorry, woods
Finally after 30 minutes of her walk
She reached the haveli,
Entering into it ,
She found trilochan is walking to and fro
Her both didis are stood silently
Hearing her footsteps, they loooked at her and sighed in relief as she is safe

What.? She signalled raising her eyebrows

Why are you late? And koi aisa chalta hai kya bina batake..
Hum sab kitha
pareshaan the , trilochan started

Sorry ksj, this is the only thing she said stopping him ..

Not me, save this to tell your sakhababu, he went in search of you , i don't know what would he do , if he came home, I can't stop him today he said

She gulped , imagining her sakhababu's wrath , his scoldings and shoutings

Tha's when car horn reached their ears

See he came, he said
Bondita stood there pouting sadly
Anirudh barged into the home fuming
But all his anger vanished seeing bondita..instead replaced by tears.
Running to her,
Anirudh hugged bondita to his chest forgetting about surroundings..
Kaka shook his head and left not able to watch it

Bondita is totally shocked seeing anirudh..
She expected him to shout but he didn't do that

Where did you go?
You know, how much afraid iam.?
What if something happens to you?  How can i live without you Anirudh asked her still holding her..
Everyone eyes get widened

Strange, he is behaving starngely, he never reacted like this .
Anirudh is holding bondita like a child found his lost toy ...with teary eyed

Bondita broke the hug  making anirudh realise what he said

Sorry he mumbled
Sakhababu are you not well?  She asked touching his forehead with backside of her palm

No, he replied

Then why he is not yelling she thought to herself

Where did you go? Anirudh asked breaking her thoughts

I went to library, she mumbled
Sorry sakhababu i won't repeat it again she said

He just hummed
Now go he said and left,
Where saudamini to followed him

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