chapter 10

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Bondita...anirudh roared making her flinch..

You...what are you doing with bondita..trinoy shouted in union..

Baba kaka...pls let us come inside..

Only you can enter..kaka said
And the door of roychowdary haveli is closed a long back for you saudamini..kaka said fuming in rage...

Making them took step back..
Bondita leave her hand...binoy said...noticing their hands held together..

Bondita your head it's bleeding..that's when anirudh noticed wound on her head ..upper to her left eyebrow...
That's when only all observed her injured head..
A cloth  was tied around her head head to stop the blood flow.
Bondita saying anirudh ran to her..
And holding her wrist..he took inside
And made her sit on couch in hall..

Where saudamini still stood at the door step baring their angry gazes..

It's not been a day that your leg got injured and now this..
How can you be this much careless...
If i say something...i will be wrong..he started blabbering..

Koyili bring the first aid kit..anirudh ordered..
She brought it and gave it to him..

You only using this kit...
In all person stood shock..without any a statue..
That's som..
Flashback displayed infront of his eyes..
Aah...winced bondita in pain..making him came out of his trance...

He ran to her and kneeled infront of her beside him..
Dada careful saying he handed him cotton and tincture helping him..

Anirudh finally finished
Batuk anirudh shouted calling him..
He came to him running..

What happened..?
What did you guys do again..?
How bondita get injured..?
Tell me what happened exactly...
Iam warning you...don't you dare to lie anirudh said to him..

Vo dada...
Batuk and bondita started to walk out of the school as the school finished..
They are walking talking about random stuffs..
That's when bondita's gaze went on a crowd gathered at a distance..

Calling  him by his shoulders..
Batuk look that side she said

He looked and found crowd ..let's have a look saying they both went to that place
Making space in the crowd..they looked straight..
There stood saudamini..
She is tied with rope to a pole..

Seeing her in that position..bondita recalled her past incidents..
People throwing dust at her..

Buri didi..
Bontuk murmured to themselves seeing her..

A boy thrown a stone at her..before it could it her..
Bondita went her rescue and it hit her head..

Betiya ji...move aside..this lady is a badomen..she is a of the man said..

Shut up...she is not a badomen..don't you guys have any shame to treat a eomen like this..aah she winced..
Batuk came and tied his kerchief around her injury and untied saudamini...

Bitiya ji..she tried to kill you...she even tried to woo our chotimaalik..she is a criminal..why are you supporting her...she has to die..she doesn't have any place to live here...they said..

You guys just shut up..who gave you the right to judge her..who are you to decide whether to stay here or not..all are equal here..everyone has a right to leave here ....she said..

And why are you not answering them she asked saudamini..

What they is right..iam a criminal..i don't have anything to say she said..

Bondita shook her head in disbelief..

She tried to kill you..she is sn abandoned women...she has to die the villagers shouted..

That is my problem and i will take care of guys don't need to interfere..just leave her she said folding her hands on anger..

Bondita held saudamini's hand and brought her out of the crowd..
Where saudamini just hung her head in guilt..

Chaliye didi..batuk she said fiercely glaring at the villagers..
Flashback ends..
This is what exactly happened dada..batuk narrated all the incident to anirudh heard by all..

Don't you let us live peacefully...
Because of you only..she got hurt..kaka shouted..

Anirudh looked at bondita..
Why you brought saudamini here ...

Sakhababu..i think didi just released from jail..she doesn't have any place...and villagers are angry on her...there is no safe place for her..except here so.......

So, anirudh looked at him raising his brows..

So she will live here..until she finds a safe place bondita said..

What...? Anirudh exclaimed..
What are you talking you even know..what you are saying anirudh said..

Haa..i can't let her stay here..kaka said firmly ..binoy too supported him.. always say everyone one deserves a second chance..then why saudamini didi is an exemption...i believe she changed ...i can sense it from her eyes...pls sakhababu you always believed me..then why not now...?
She said holding his hands..
Where he is still kneeling infront of her..

She started her acting again...anirudh don't believe her..kaka said..

Where bondita is constantly pleading him..
Pls..sakhababu..pls ...bondita pleaded

No anirudh kaka said

Pls ..bondita again requested gripping his hands..
Removing her hands from him...he stood up..

Saudamini...anirudh called her..where she too looked at him..

She can...stay here anirudh declared...trinoy sighed in annoyence and leftfrom there..

Thank you..thank you sakhababu  ah said and ran to her .

Holding her by wrist..bondita brought saudamini into the house..

Bhaaribabu..clean the guest room and koyili didi arrange sarees for didi she said..

Without saying anything...anirudh somtuk left..

Let's go didi.. bondita said ..
Bringing saudamini into her room..

Didi you can stay in room until your room get cleaned...she went and return with a towel..
Take this..take a bath you will feel fresh bondita said smiling..

Gussa nhi ho tum mujse...?
I did worse to you..then also you are talking to me smiling..and fighting with your family for me..
Why...saudamini asked .

Didi my mom always one is born evil..those are the circumstances which compels a  person to do something..
On that are not at fault didi..might you have your own reasons..she said making saudamini teary eyed..

She just hugged bondita..
Sorry..sorry bondita..
Bondita too wrapped her hands around her 

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