chapter 15

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It's dark
Dinner time in rc haveli
All gathered at dining table except bontuk and anirudh.

Bontuk is still gulping the sweets sitting under the table, with that noone can caught them.

They are at end in finishing their sweets.

Batuk  fast,
Koi aajeyega, if sakhababu caught us, then we will be finished
Bondita said gulping the sweet..

Yes..saying they started eating as fast as they can.

Uff.they both sighed at sametime finishing their earing session

I am totally full .batuk said rubbing his Tummy.

I too batuk, but how to escape from dinner,i can't even eat a grain now. She said

Even iam also thinking that, before their thoughts could go further.
They heard the shout of sampoorna calling them for dinner.

They looked at eachother and went towards the dining

Where anirudh is deeply lost in thoughts sitting onn his chair at dining table.

This saudamini kuch bhi bolte.
How foolish she is to even think iam in love with bondita..
I tensed about her because I care for her that's it, he reasoned himself in his mind

His chain of thoughts broken by kaka who is saying something..
No no literally shouting.

Yes ksj, I don't want to eat.
And batuk too haina batuk she asked looking at batuk .
He just nodded

These guys, really messed up something. som mumbled to himself

Why you guys don't want to have dinner? anirudh asked bontuk before kaka could ask them.

Bontuk gave we are finished today look to each other..
They know how much anirudh conscious about their health.
He never comprises coming to their healthy it is their growing stage
He always says them not to eat much sweets as they results in tooth decay..
Specially in night.

But today.
These two totally finished the sweets in kitchen.

They gulped looked at eachother
Mentally preparing themselves for his lecture and scoldings.

We..we batuk stammered to say

What we.. we batuk say straight anirudh said

Weatesweetssakhababu bondita said fastly

Huh? Come again , anirudh asked not understanding her words

We ate sweets sakhababu. She said

Both are finished today, som mumbled to himself
Dada ..som started trying to save them but anirudh showed his hand you stop.

Som glared at bondita and batuk,
They lowered their gaze

But not hearing anything, she opened her eyes.

Ok, you guys go and sleep . Anirudh said shocking everyone

Anirudh, are you fine? Kaka asked

Yes kaka  Iam perfectly alright anirudh replied not getting kaka's mocking. sakhababu? Bondita stammered

I said, it's ok if you don't want to eat dinner, you guys can go. Anirudh stated

Bontuk looked at eachother with shock
Let's go, before dada could change his mind, batuk whispered

Making bondita step forward
They mumbled a goodnight to them and left for their respective rooms.

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