Chapter 18 - Dawn-Son & NightBringer

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Keon's eyes snapped open as he let go of the glider

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Keon's eyes snapped open as he let go of the glider. He fell three metres—his fall cushioned by the mass of branches—and hit the ground on both feet. Arms swaying, he steadied himself. He'd actually stuck the landing! That was awesome! The bliss of his elation was fleeting though. Dread scraped its way through his stomach as he spun in a circle, the density of the forest closing in like claws around him.


Nothing. Nothing but empty forest.

He heard the rush of the river beckoning to him but he ignored it.

Turning north instead, he began weaving through the trees; squinting to make out anything in the dark.


Emptiness was the only response, the forest devouring any hope of a reply. What if they'd passed by him already?

He turned westward, doubling back. It was like the branches were trying to push against him, an army of arms urging him to turn back as he swatted and slapped them out the way.

"Asya! Shem! Jonas!"

A strong hand clamped his shoulder and spun him like a cyclone, almost throwing him off his feet. Stumbling forward, he came within an inch of Avana's nose.

"What are you doing?!" she hissed. "You're supposed to follow the river!"

"Yeah?! Well—what're you doing?"

"Making sure you don't do anything stupid! Come on!"

She shoved him forward with such unnatural force, it propelled him several feet. Before he could think, she'd grabbed his arm and was pulling him along. His legs had little choice but to follow; the ground rolling beneath him like a treadmill. Avana yanked him right, turning towards the river. As the sparkle of the ripples came into view, she veered left, letting go of his arm.

"Now, keep up!"

He glanced over his shoulder, trying to spot the others.

"They're fine! Keep moving!" she said.

"Wait, what is that?"

A deep, droning hum loomed over the forest, rising in intensity like an approaching swarm of hornets. Avana scanned the sky with unease.

"Oh no..."

Suddenly, an outstretched palm blocked their path. It was Asya. A quick glance to the right found Zahara leaning against a tree. Asya shooed them back, her eyes darting across the treetops. Keon ducked down behind some bushes and Avana leapt over to the adjacent tree. The humming grew louder still, then suddenly a shadow whipped past the canopy. Then another. And another.

"," mouthed Asya.

Keon looked at her, eager to move. She shook her head. Not yet.

Another shadow.

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