Chapter 16 - Bad Blood & Good Intentions

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"What are you doing here, bro?!" asked Dawit.

"And what happened to your shoe?" said Kai, pointing.

It hadn't even occurred to Keon that he'd been hobbling around bootless for the last half hour. He hadn't much cared. Getting them out was all that had mattered.

"I—I came to save you guys."

Dawit's cherubic face lit up, his hazel eyes almost vanishing behind his cheeks. He was mostly back to his normal self, though beads of sweat still glistened like diseased diamonds on his forehead.

"Why? Guilty conscience?" said Shem, pushing past him. Keon felt the savage pierce of his scowl and his elation quickly dissipated.

"Did I miss something?" he said, eyebrows bunching.

Shem wheeled on him.

"I know what you did, you little toe rag!"

Keon blinked, taken aback. His cheeks flushed with heat, and the pit of his stomach plummeted through thin ice. He knew. A cold splash of shame washed over him.

"I—I didn't mean for..."

"For it to backfire? To get caught? What, did you think we're stupid?! That we wouldn't notice?"

"No, I..."

"I trusted you, mate! I flippin' tried to 'elp you!" he said, jabbing at him with his shackled index finger.

"By showing him how to cheat?" said Avana.

Shem stalled as though the steam had suddenly been knocked out of his engine.

"Wh—You what?"

"You're as much to blame as he is!"

"How'd you figure that out?"

"You were supposed to teach him!"

"I did!"

"Yeah, to steal! To take shortcuts! Look where that got him!"

"I mean, it got him this far..." offered Dawit.

Shem, seeing he was quickly losing ground, switched targets.

"What, you really think he came 'ere to 'elp us? He doesn't give a toss about any of us! He's only 'ere for himself!"

"That's not true..." all eyes fell on Asya who, until this point, had melded into the surroundings, "He could've just left you lot down here."

"And who the hell're you?" said Shem, arms flapping.


"She helped me escape," added Keon, stepping between them, "and she'll help us get out of here if...if we take her with us."

"Are you mad?! You think we're gonna listen to you now, mate?! She's obviously a spy!"

Asya raised an eyebrow.

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