87. The Longest Journey

Start from the beginning

"Okay." Clem nodded and Sarah pulled the door open, moving with it so the door remained between her and the open car. Looking inside, Clementine didn't see anyone or any bodies. Inching closer to the door, she banged on the edge of the car with her tomahawk, making a small clanking noise. She stepped back a few feet, expecting a walker, but nothing came.

"Okay, open the back door now." Sarah pulled the back door open. Clem saw the car seat Sarah mentioned. It wasn't strapped into the seat but just sitting there. Nestled in the car seat was a single pink gift bag. Clementine sheathed her tomahawk and picked up the bag.

"What is it?" Clementine dumped the bag's contents onto the back seat. Tumbling out came a pack of diapers, what looked like tiny pink pajamas, a baby's bottle, a small container and a small piece of shimmering material. Picking up the material, Clem realized it was a deflated balloon. Flipping it around revealed the words 'It's a girl!'

"Look." Sarah picked up the container. "Milk-based powder, just add water. For babies zero to twelve months. This is baby formula."

"Yeah, they must have been getting this stuff for someone who was having a baby." Clementine tossed the deflated balloon aside. "I guess they never got to give it to them." Clementine packed all the other items back into the pink bag.

"Maybe we could just take the whole car?" suggested Sarah.

"That's a good idea." Clementine moved into the front seat. She saw the keys still in the ignition. She sat down behind the wheel and turned the key. Nothing happened.

"The battery must be dead," realized a disappointed Sarah. "Or, some other thing, or a lot of things."

"It was worth a try." Clementine moved out of the car, taking the pink bag full of goods with her.

"Well, now that we got formula, shouldn't we feed Omid?" suggested Sarah. "Maybe he's been crying because he's hungry?"

"We should find somewhere safe to rest for a while." Looking down the road, Clementine saw a building in the distance near where a smaller road split from the highway. "Maybe down there." Clem and Sarah quickly moved to the building at a brisk pace. Approaching it, they could see it was a small brick structure with a sign that read 'Rest Area' posted in front of it.

"Well, it does say rest area," noted Sarah, trying to sound hopeful.

"Let's be sure no one else is here first." Clem readied her tomahawk and Sarah opened the door. Clem peered inside, then knocked her tomahawk against the door frame a couple of times. No response. The pair stepped inside and found there was little to see. Just a couple of vending machines against one wall and a pair of doors the led to the bathrooms.

Clementine approached the door to the girl's room and Sarah pulled it open. The inside appeared empty but Clem rapped on the side of the door frame. Again, no response. She then moved to the boy's room, which Sarah pulled open. It too appeared empty and another bang of the tomahawk produced no results. Moving away from the bathrooms, the only other door appeared to be another glass one that led back outside.

"I guess it's safe," said Sarah.

"For now." Clementine breathed a sigh of relief as she sheathed her tomahawk.

"You think maybe we could sleep here for a while?" asked Sarah.

"I don't think that's a good idea," said Clem. "We're not that far from Springfield, and it doesn't look like there's any locks on the door. At least, none we can use without a key."

Sarah sighed. "I'm... I'm just really tired,"

"I am too," said a weary Clem. "But I don't think we should stop here for too long."

Young and Young at Heart (The Rewrite of The Walking Dead Game: S2) [TWDG/TWD]Where stories live. Discover now