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I was working in my office, when there was a knock on the door i said " come in" the door opened revealing River "Ma'am, i'm leaving for the lunch break do you need me to do something before i go?" she asked "No, thank you" i said then she nodded and left. 

After a few seconds of River leaving, i realized that i was supposed to meet Luciano for lunch. I checked the watch for the time and mumbled " shit" it was 2:13 and the lunch was at 2:30. Classic me always late for meetings with Luciano. I hurriedly got out of the office and the driver drove me to the restaurant. 

Luciano was already present at the restaurant when i reached, i barely made it in time. I walked towards where he was sitting and he gestured me to sit. As i sat i muttered " I'm so sorry for being late again" "Ah it's fine don't worry about it" he replied. I was very surprised with his answer cause he's a very particular man and doesn't take any excuses.

We were having our lunch and talking about general stuff when a man came in my sight. He was looking at the both of us very creepily and his stare made me very uncomfortable. Just then Luciano asked " are you okay? is there something disturbing you?" "I'm fine" i muttered. Luciano suggested to go for dessert some other place shortly after our small talk and i agreed as we were done with our lunch plus the man's stare made me super uncomfortable.

We decided to have gelato for dessert cause its my favorite and why not. After dessert Luciano dropped back to the office as i still had work left. After i was finished with all my work and bit of chatting in between with River i decided to call it a day and headed back home.


I had been at the base since early morning today because of some stupid threat that was sent there for me. So i busy cracking my brains for who could've been behind this. Luca was with me the entire time going through all the cctv footages for any trace of the person who had left the threat. 

Threats to me were quite common, but this one particularly was very suspicious because unlike other threats that our found outside the base, this one was found inside my office at the base on floor. Keeping in mind that my office at the base is heavily guarded and has all sorts of security systems, so even trying to reach the floor of my office is quite hard.

I was broken from my train of thoughts by Luca " Don't you have to meet Isabella for lunch today?" he asked out of the blue "yeah. why?" "cuz its already 1:57 so if you want to reach on time better leave now" he said and i looked at my watch for the time and let out a sigh "okay then i'll see you back at the house" i said and Luca nodded before i left for the restaurant.

I reached the restaurant in time however, Isabella was a few minutes late which she apologized for but i shrugged it off cuz i noticed that a driver had dropped her instead of her coming by herself as she usually does so i figured she was caught up in some work at the company and got late.

The lunch was going good until something she saw made her very uncomfortable i asked if she was okay and she just replied with "i'm fine" that moment i saw a very weird guy staring at us very creepily and figured that maybe that had made her uncomfortable so i suggested we leave from there and go to some other place for dessert as we were already done with our lunch.

After roaming around the streets looking for some dessert we decided to settle for some gelato, soon after we were done and i dropped Isabella back to her office as she said she had some work left. I decided to head back home after dropping her and check if any traces or anything that was found.

The moment i entered home i was met with Luca and we headed to my office. "So anything yet" i asked "no nothing" Luca replied "It's weird that absolute no traces are found" He continued "Do you think that the footage was tampered with" i said "No it hasn't been i've got all tests done" he replied. "So how was lunch" he asked " it was good" i replied "btw i want you to track i person down" i said " who? and why?" he asked "there was a guy present at the restaurant today where we were today and he was staring at us very creepily and seemed very suspicious, maybe we could get something out of him" i said "Okay i'll track that person " Luca said and i nodded.

"Where are the twins though?" i asked "Oh, they're with Venetia. She took them out as they wanted to go somewhere " he said " Oh okay, well i'm going to sleep , wake me up if there's anything" i said and headed to my room. After taking a shower i slept within seconds because i wasn't able to get a proper sleep the past few days because of the workload.


I was woken up by the sounds of shuffling in my bed, i turned on the night lamp and saw Aiden and Austin trying to get on my bed. I helped them get onto the bed and asked "What happened kiddos why aren't you asleep yet?" "Dada Aiden got a bad dream and he couldn't sleep so he came here and i didn't want to sleep alone so i also came " Austin said in his baby voice. "Oh you guys can sleep with me, come on" i said and pulled them both into a hug and they slept within a span of minutes soon after i also fell asleep.

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