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Here I am, sitting in a dark corner of my room; sulking and the reason for that is because my 'lovely' father (note the sarcasm) has agreed to the proposal sent by the Romero's without my consent. I wasn't even aware of the fact that a proposal has been sent my way and my father agreed to it without even informing me about it. 

On the other hand I'm a bit relieved that I get to move away from this shit hole and its toxicity and all the assholes in this house. Don't get me wrong I do appreciate my father for the lavish lifestyle that he has given me but I received no love. My father was a womanizer, him and my mother were forced into marriage and he used her for the heir of his mafia and continued having sexual relationships with other women. My mother was the only one who gave me love despite all her personal challenges, she put me first every single time and we both were happy with just each other but that didn't last long. My mother was killed during an attack when I was 16. The attack was held during my father's absence. My father didn't give two fucks about my mother an married another woman, my 'step- mom' Giana 7 months later. Giana is the definition of a total bitch. Nothing is more important to her than money.  

I have been training since I was 12. Till 16, until after the attack in which I lost my mother, I wasn't allowed to learn how to use deadly weapons such as guns and knives. Now I am completely trained and can use any weapon, my personal favorite are knives. 

The deal with me is that I mind my own business and do not like anyone else interfering in it. I'll be good to you as long as the other person's good to me, the moment you mess up it'll not end up good.

Now about the proposal, I'm not too mad about it but I do not wish to marry that arrogant jerk Luciano. He is tall and a very handsome guy with dirty blonde hair and grey eyes and a very sexy figure but let's just say I'm not very fond of him, Don't get me wrong he hasn't done anything wrong to me it's just that he's a jerk and always comes in my way of my legal businesses I mean like why can't he be happy with all the awards that he already has not that awards matter but still can't he give someone else the chance to win those awards for once.


The one thing I'm happy about in the proposal is that I'll get to spend a lot of time with the twinies Aiden and Austin. They're such adorable and cute kids and I love kids a lot. But I'll also have to merge my company with his which I'm not very happy about but I guess that's cool cause I can get sometime for myself. And no its not selfish cause everyone needs sometime for themselves.


After sulking for a while I decided to go and pack for my flight in my morning to Italy because I've an appointment with Luciano to discuss about the whole marriage and business stuff.


Him & HerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora