7. Never would've known

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Kai stayed up that night wondering what he did wrong

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Kai stayed up that night wondering what he did wrong. He played the whole car ride over and over again in his head, but he couldn't pick anything up. So he did the best this he could and got dressed. He didn't have breakfast in order to do what he planned and not he late for school.

He went to the nearest flower shop and bought a bouquet of roses. He then left on his way to school. He picked up his board and looked to the usual parking spot of the Cullens. He smiles when he sees the soft blonde hair.

He walked over ignoring the other students look of confusion. Kai walked over to Rosalie and smiled.

"Morning" he greeted holding out the flowers to her "I'm sorry again for upsetting you last night"

She smiled at him taking the roses "You didn't do anything wrong" she sighs


"It wasn't you" she shakes her head "I'm sorry for being rude"

He gasps "You rude? never" Kai says making her laugh

"Walk me to class?" she asks and he nods giving her his arm. She latches on and he walks her to her class.

Once arriving at her class he smiles at her and from some place unknown got the courage to kiss her cheek. He turns and leaves for his own class his cheeks red as blood.

In class Kai was bombarded with questions about his relationship with the Cullen/Hale girl but he just shrugged. Jessica was in a extremely jealous mood. She was being clingy and trying hard to get his attention. He tried to shrug her off and get as far from her but it was impossible when you shared a desk.

Lunch finally came and Kai noticed Rosalies absence. He raised a brow and heard his phone bing. He looks down to see a message from the blonde.
'Meet me outside' it read. Kai smiled and collected his things going in the direction of where they sat the other day.

Kai spotted her and took the seat besides her. He took out his sandwich and offered her the half but she shook her head and he shrugged taking a bite out of it.

Kai ate his sandwich and occasionally glanced up at the blonde staring at her for just a second. He looked up again and he froze when his eyes locked with hers which was already staring at him. He looked into her golden eyes and wondered when her eyes lost the sparkle of innocents. When her eyes stopped lighting up at the smallest of things that brought happiness to others. Kai watched her and wondered why the spark only showed up when their eyes met. Why he only saw the happiness enter her golden eyes when they were locked on his own.

"You're staring" the blonde says

"Can't help it" he shrugs looking down "You're beautiful" he blurts and then curses himself "I-I'm sorry that just came out" his eyes widen "Not-not that your not beautiful" he shuts his wide eyes and sighs

Rosalie chuckles at his nervousness "It's okay. I get it" she assures him

"I- i was wondering" he rubbed the back of his neck "If you'd like to go see a movie... or something?" he looked at her face for any sign of rejection and when he saw nothing on her face he added "I mean you can say no."

"No." she quickly corrected herself "I mean yes. I'd love too" She says and he smiles at her bigger then she's ever seen him smile.

"Gre-great. I'll pick you up at 7" he smiles

"I think i should be picking you up unless you wanna ride on your skateboard" she teases smiling

He blushed "No, i think that's a good idea"

He blushed "No, i think that's a good idea"

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