Charging into the battlefield on horseback is none other than the emdodiment of my trauma and nightmare. The demon clad in darkened demonic steel wielding a sword infused with electricity lets out a roar before trampling on both the demons and a few unlucky Order Soldiers.

The screams of terror and for help echoes throughout the battlefield. My anger building, Demonic Energy flaring, and all that I could think of. Is to kill such abhorrent creature.

Both Geryon and it's Rider, Cavalier Angelo. Stopped their charge and spotted me on the cliff.

He scowled, and everything went red.

Meera Pov

As soon as the Demon riding the demonic horse with ethereal blue flames charged through the front most Tower Shielders, and breaking in. Everyone except Hu- Master, panicked. All of them screaming and running away from the titanic Horseman, but I couldn't find Master anywhere.

Until I felt it.

The oppressive, dangerous, and suffocating Demonic Energy, that no other could generate suddenly ravaged the battlefield. Everyone was affected, Demons couldn't move, as they all slowly disintegrated into dust. The Angels and Valkyries, passing out, and the Order Soldiers, Priests, and Heroes slowly descended into madness.

Only I, Arleth, Gabriel, Helena and surprisingly, Gilbert are left standing. Arleth and the two quickly erected a barrier that protected them and Gilbert, while I'm used to such Demonic Power.

A flash of electric blue briefly blinded us. And Master's form became visible. A look and his pokerface is solid, as if he wasn't feeling anything, except he is. I can tell on an intimate level, that Vergil. My Master, is angry.

The Rider scowled.

Rider: Sparda.

Vergil returned the action with an even colder glare.

Vergil: Scum. To think there are more of you running around, Mundus probably was too desperate to create an army of defective and pale imitations.

Rider: Your end, is here.

Drawing Yamato out, and pointing it straight at the Rider.

Vergil: Scum like you is nothing but taint on this canvas, prepare to die like the worm you are.

A blink, and Vergil is gone. Appearing in front of the Rider, with Yamato ready to bite into demonic flesh.

My mouth fell as the Rider barely blocked the strike. Which is close to impossible, seeing how fast Vergil is moving. But said strike launched him off his horse, on his feet.

Lightning then generated from the Rider's four bladed sword. Blasting Vergil off him, and gave him a brief moment to lock on. Except he couldn't, as Vergil was yet again, on top of him.

He tried to block, except Yamato seemingly phased through it's sword, and slicing his cheek. With a reverse grip, Vergil intended to stab the Rider from behind, only for the Rider to blink out of our vision, with the sound of thunder.

Yamato stuck air, and Vergil flipped mid air to realign himself. His body, poised for a quick draw. Tracking his eyes, I finally found the Rider again, a few meters away from us. With his sword crackling with electricity.

With speeds, I could no longer keep track of. Vergil repeated a series of Judgment Cuts successfully and followed up with a Stinger.

Closing the gap, he Tricked up. Switched to Mirage Edge, summoned a Heavy Rain to slow down the Rider, and performed a Helm Breaker.

Once he landed, and the Rider still slowed down. He switched to Beowulf, went to a crouching stance, and performed a Dragon Breaker. Deonora and Alto-Eris were interested in that move.

Vergil's Irritation RisesWhere stories live. Discover now