Chapter Twenty-Five: If You Can Dodge A Wrench

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"I didn't think I would need to do that just to stop spending time with you. I mean, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love being around you. But as much as I love spending time with you, I do need to have some space, some time to myself."

"Oh yeah. Absolutely. But, well, what I meant was, it would be good to have some experience, right? Make some money, meet new people, make friends..."

It then became clear that his asking her about getting a job was not out if the blue, but rather previously thought of.

"But why me? Why not you?" Kate questioned.

"Because I've been doing some research myself on getting some jobs outside of Arcadia Bay."

"O-Outside of Arcadia? Y-You mean like going to other states?"

"Yeah, yeah, other states, other countries... wouldn't that be nice? To go travelling, see the world?"

"I don't know about that," she chuckled nervously. "I would love to go to New York, though."

"So let's go to New York!"

"What about the others? My family?"

"We can always visit them - would be difficult to keep up with most of them but we could always think about it when we graduate. We could even, oh, I dunno, stay for a few Christmases?"

Kate smiled fondly and smiled with a slow shake of her head. "I do love Christmas. And I love seeing Lynn's reactions when I get her amazing gifts. I'd hate to see her sad."

(Y/n) reached his hand across to take ahold of hers and stared deeply, intimately into her hazel-coloured eyes.

"Seeing you happy makes my day, Kate. I would give you the world if it let's me see you smile." (Y/n) whispered.

Kate's face flushed red when she responded. "W-W-Well why would I want the world, if the only thing I wanted was you?"

This astounded (Y/n) as her attempt to flirt with him turned out better than either had hoped. It worked so well that the smile on (Y/n)'s face didn't dare fade away anytime soon. Slowly and intimately, the pair leaned over the table to meet halfway so that when they did, a soft kiss was exchanged for a good few seconds, while it lasted. The voice of the librarian interrupted their kiss, leaving both embarrassed for being told off for making out in the library.

At the ring of the bell, first period commenced. Students filed messily into their designated rooms habitually, automatically braced for yet another long, excruciating day at school. As the day went on, flying by for some; whereas for others it painfully went on for hours on end with no means of mercy to those that were troubled by a number of things.

Until the rapid ringing of the final bell for the day went off, students rejoiced - for the time being knowing they still had the rest of the week to go. As per usual, (Y/n) reunited with Kate every afternoon after school in his room. The only difference being was that (Y/n) had been summoned by Esteban to attend a dodgeball game and sub for an absent teammate who'd fallen victim to the flu. Through the encouragement of his girlfriend, (Y/n) agreed.

In the indoor basketball court, six red balls were evenly spaced across the centre court line. Five members of the opposite team eagerly waited for the game to commence whilst Esteban's teammates three huddled closely in fruitless attempt to combine their ideas for an offensive team strategy they hoped to rely on. When the three noticed Esteban return with backup, the three wanted to be relieved but instead fell short on compassion and instead went with doubt.

"The hell is this? Does this guy even know how to play dodgeball? He looks like a wimp. Can we rely on this guy?" One teammate of Esteban's questioned harshly.

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