38. Return of the Yuvrani

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Ranvijay was now so proud of his looks. It finally seemed to him like rudra was impressed with him.
And he thought that finally rudra has realized how handsome he is. He let out a genuine deep voiced laughter.

His deep voice never fails to shoot a wave of emotions down the spine for rudrayani.

She meekly chuckled at her own stupid self as she was caught staring at the handsome prince more likely ogling him shamelessly.

As Ranvijay approached more close to her, she kept telling her heart not to beat so loudly.

She was afraid if this thudding of her heart grew any louder Ranvijay would be able to listen her crazy heart racing.

Finally Ranvijay sat besides rudra. Again with the new found confidence that rudra admired his looks Ranvijay leaned more close to rudra near her ear and asked her in his deep husky voice,

"Like what you see princess. Don't worry. It's all yours. Keep on admiring, all you want. "

Ranvijay smiled fondly at his sweetheart as her eyes grew wide and her breath hitched in her throat.

She quickly averted her eyes down at her lap , and started fiddling with her fingers.

Ranvijay started to look at her. He saw that now she was stealing her glances away from his gaze.

He was quick to think, that maybe rudrayani was still scared of him and didn't want to be with him.so he started talking without stopping,

"Well, princess, before you may ask, let me make it clear ....Rakshu grew tired. So she is sleeping in the private bedroom cabinate. So I am here. I hope you are fine with it. I mean I could go somewhere else if you want.. I don't mean to make you uncomfor..."

"No, you can stay. I mean, Please, stay."

Came the reply from rudrayani, even before Ranvijay could complete his sentence.

The words were cut short but rudra had said this with such a tender and delicate voice that it stopped all the chaos in Ranvijay's mind which he was facing earlier.

Rudrayani was feeling that she should thank Ranvijay.

But little did she know her heart was already attached to her prince charming. 

"And I wanted to say thank you for considering of my old clothes. I really thought maybe you wont allow me my old things. But I these are really precious to me. Raksha is my first friend who bought me so many gifts. I never had these many gifts at a time ever in my life. All these things maybe so insignificant for a royal prince like you. But these are my most priced possessions. "

Ranvijay's eyes never moved their focus from rudrayani's dark drown eyes.

Her eyes were shinning with so much trust and respect for him they were so pure. Ranvijay couldn't believe this.

He can not believe that only few gifts could make rudra this happy.

He thought in his mind,
"My love, this is just the start. You are going to receive so much. I will bring the whole world to your feet. Just stay with me."

Rudrayani turned to Ranvijays seat to face him as if she could hear his mind. And rudra continued,

"And I want to thank you, umm... for... also ...for so many things ....

for not being upset when I climbed down from the balcony to runway from your mansion.

For saving me from falling in front of police station,

For letting me meet my pa.. you know the police officer did insult me. But you made him apologize.

You even supported me when I was broken.

Lost and FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora