Chapter 17: Trust

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days and dream 😩💫

TW: violence, blood,

ZAK POV (I don't get paid for this but like admire this cute fanart that has nothing to do with this chapter...I think- anyways credit to the artist!!)

"Zak...please tell me what's wrong"

I let him out of the hug and looked at him, his emerald eyes pierced at me and through the steamed frame glass I could see the tears swelling up in his eyes. It honestly made my heart ache looking at the sight.

Darryl moved his hand on mine and frowned, "I don't like to pry any further because this is something I want you to tell me on your own but...i'm really worried because you mean a lot to me Zak..." Darryl whispered as his voice cracked.

His words warmed me inside but the sight before me shook it out and replaced it with worry and anger at myself for letting this happen.

I squeezed his hand and sighed, "I'm so sorry Darryl...There's these things going on a-and i'm not sure if you'd want to know..." I started saying but my voice was barely a whisper and I could feel my words shake as he looked at me with curious eyes and slowly nodded.

"Lately ive been hallucinating...dreaming of these weird scenarios...I-I don't know if they will actually happen the scenarios I keep on hearing bits of pieces of a voice saying that someone is coming, much more powerful than that evil queen lady" I mumbled as my fists held onto the sheets, they crumpled underneath.

"Someone is coming...?" Darryl muttered and looked down at his feet, "but who is coming? It can be anyone...its like we can't trust anyone else around us except" Darryl looked at me and I can tell he was nervous, scared even.

"We'll be okay..." I comforted, I squeezed his hand as a hint of a smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah...we will" He smiled, chuckling as he wiped the tears from his face, "Zak...I love you..." Darryl said and looked at me with hopeful eyes. He loved me?

"Darryl I-" I tried to say until a rush of doctors entered the room, they looked unaware to the situation and started to silently talk about something, they murmured a bit glancing at us as we awkwardly sat on the hospital bed.

"I-I'll get going..." Darryl muttered and hopped of the bed, he continued to say inaudible words as he walked out the hospital room.

Damn it, I groaned and looked beside me to where Darryl originally sat the moments before. It all came flooding back and I sighed, these dumbass doctors just had to come in now?

They all looked at me and I swear I felt chills down my spine, everything seemed a bit off then when Darryl was in the room. One of the doctors touched my arm and I felt my skin burn once his hand came in contact with my arm.

I quietly cursed at myself and knocked their hand off, they stumbled back and sighed. "She did say he was going to be a bit of a different ulexil" the doctor mumbled as the other nodded in agreement.

Ulexil? It didn't seem like a word, more of random doctor gibberish. I looked at them, something about these 'doctors' made me feel paranoid. They had this familiar sense to them, it was like a aura of some sort.

One of the doctors looked at me, purple eyes pierced as they held up a strange looking needle. I looked at them but then it hit me.


I quickly jumped up, forming a diamond dagger in my hand and swinging it for the doctor's head. The doctors watched the gory scene as blood exploded across the room. The corpse fell to the ground as the head rolled into the wall, gross.

I ran and tried to ignore my now blood coated hoodie as I swung open the hospital room door and grabbed onto Darryl. "Zak what's happening?!" He yelled and quickly glanced behind him, only to be horrified by the bloody doctors following them.

"Oh muffins" Darryl mumbled under his breath, quickly turning back to focus on the scenes in front of them. "Just don't look behind you" I yelled, my clutch subconsciously tightening on Darryl's hand as we ran.

We tried to run until the 'doctors' made a crystal barrier in front of us, making our escape nearly impossible to finish.

I could hear the people's loud heavy breathing from behind me. Me and Darryl turned to look behind us. The so called doctors smirked at our helpless state, it bothered me as I stepped in front of Darryl.

"Who are you?! Why are you following us?!" I yelled, bringing out the blood coated dagger and pointing it at them, I wasn't sure if it was threatening enough to make them speak because they certainly didn't look like they were trembling in fear.

"...You work for Celeste don't you?" I asked as one of the doctors smirked and stepped forward. This gave me some time to count how many people there were, seven.

The first doctor had black hair on one side and purple on the other. Both eyes were shut and they wore a black tuxedo with a hint of blood from the original scene that took place.

"Hm, you are more smart than you look, boy" the doctor said, walking towards me and carefully lifting my chin up. Their nails dung into my skin as they subconsciously tightened their grip on me.

"Thanks...but I don't have talk" I said, my voice was shaky and I could tell I was slowly losing oxygen as my words gained more space in between. "Hm, here lets make a deal" the doctor said, releasing the death grip on me, "if you give me your powers I will let you and your friend run along, unharmed." The doctor spun the needle in their pale hand and smirked, did they seriously think I was going to give up my powers this easily?

"Deals aren't my thing" I stated, the doctor frowned and sighed. 

"The names Zen, its nice to meet you" 


oh for fucks sake this took too long- i'm sorry for being so like dead, mental health was a bitchh. I wrote this over the past like two months yet this is only 1000+ words ughhh. Anyway don't worry for I have most of the scenes planned and the ending so hopefully this won't take too long <33




(Editor Tae here like 10 days later-: this has been in my drafts for a while and honestly am too tired to read this over, this probably will suck but I tried ig. Also saw my crush in the rain and like 😩💞- ignore my simp stuff)

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