Chapter 8: Just Friends

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Zak POV, look up ^ (Love yourself readers or I will kill off Zak and Darryl >:c)

Like usual I felt the light again, except I was in a hospital bed...wait I'm in a hospital bed?

I slowly sat up (despite my back screaming in agony at the sudden movement) and looked around at my surroundings, it was like all hospitals; boring and white.

This has been the second or third time I've been in the hospital all in one fucking week, what the actual fuck. How do I end up in these situations anyway?

I sighed when I heard a knocking on the door, very urgently.

"Come in!" I yelled.

The door suddenly flew open and before I knew it I felt two arms wrap around me and a head buried in my hoodie.


"I thought you died!" He exclaimed, tears streaming down his face and onto my hoodie.

I chuckled, "well I'm not so that's kinda cool I guess," I said and hugged him back.

Damn..he's so warm, I just want to hug him forever.

After a few moments he hesitantly released me from his arms, I could feel myself frowning at the sudden loss of being in his warm embrace but it's isn't weird if I wanted to stay in his arms right?

I stared at him and noticed that there was a small cut on his forehead.

"Why do you have a cut on your forehead?" I asked, "it wasn't there before."

"Zak don't worry, I just got a bit...mad when you went unconscious since I thought you were dead for a second," he responded, laughing lightly as he awkwardly brushed his hand on the cut.


I moved his hand away from the cut and brushed my hand against it, gently kissing it after.

What was I doing again?

"Hey, sorry to ruin the moment but I need you to stay out of this room for a second—for some tests to see if you're body is all good," a nurse said while walking into the room and having a small smirk on her face.

I felt myself turn red, that was embarrassing.

I sighed and nodded, watching as Darryl hesitantly walked out.

I enjoyed Darryl's presence, it felt more nice and comforting then everybody else I knew..what a normal thought to think.

I could feel the whole room getting more hot, did the air condition break or some shit? There was no way this is normal, well hopefully it was anyway.

This was all getting pretty confusing, lately I've been feeling different towards Darryl and not in a best friend way. God save my soul before i'm straight up down bad for him.

"Um sir? You're temperature's getting pretty hot and your face is getting really red, is there something wrong?" The nurse asked interrupting me from out time. Not a romantic gay ass inner crisis.

I nodded, probably faster then a normal person would but it wasn't because I was panicking, not at all!

She looked at me then looked outside at Darryl who was doodling something in his notebook.

She softly laughed, probably realizing what I was really thinking about.

"So, you've got yourself a crush huh?" She asked, sitting down on a chair in front of a computer and started to type smart people things I think.

"I- what no...we're just friends." I mumbled and looked at Darryl who was very much immersed in his doodling, I wonder what he was making.

To be honest I do think he's like kinda really cute and pretty and handsome and I keep on having these weird thoughts but all friends can do this right? It's totally normal!

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