Chapter 2: The light

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3rd POV, Look up ^

Zak felt his eyes open, he was expecting the bright light of the sun to hit him but instead he was greeted by the darkness of his room. 

'What time is it?' he thought sitting up in his bed. 

He grabbed his phone unplugging the charger while doing so, 2:37 AM.

"It's still that early..." he mumbled, keeping his voice low do he wouldn't wake his parents up.

He stood up and looked out the window of his bedroom, Zak watched as the stars moved a bit and looked at the bright moon shining dimly in the open night sky

He continued watching until he saw a light, not from any fire that he would ever see but a light much bigger and brighter, it hurt his eyes to look at if he was being honest.

Zak had an idea in mind, it would neither be a smart one or a really stupid one, in this case probably a stupid one.

He got off his bed and slowly opened the window, once he had opened it he began to climb down a pipe that was attached to the side of their house which just so happened to be under Zak's bedroom window, of all places.

Zak landed safely onto the ground, trying his best not to make a single peep, he continued to follow the bright light. It was still shimmering but it got a bit dimmer since he last looked.

Zak continued the walk into the forest, slowly pushing the branches out of his way and then he made it, the source of the light that was brighter then any normal human being could see.

He looked at the source of light, was it ship of some kind? Not a normal one that's for sure, more like a alien type of ship is what Zak thought.

He slowly walked toward it, cautiously putting one foot in front of the other just in case there might be a booty trap of some kind.

Once he had gotten close to the ship he studies it, looking at the ship's design. It was a combination of metallic silver and some bright glowing yellow, it also had vines around it, probably representing the fact that it was an old ship.

He continued to admire it when all of a sudden a part of the ship opened and revealed the inside of it. Zak looked at it and slowly stepped inside, it was dark but bright enough to make out the outline of some of the inside interior.

Zak looked around again and tapped a few buttons along the way on a control pad that took up half of the ship. He finally made it to a big blue button and pressed it to see what it would do.

All of a sudden a little illusion appeared showing a person, they had purple and magenta looking hair tied back in a ponytail and some white and light blue dress.

"To #á>#%/=æ>l§,

"Remember to #i*& %:/+e "*/ and £]~_|."

Zak watched as it continuously glitched making him unable to hear some of the words.

"Weird." He mumbled, even the illusion started to glitch.

Soon the whole ship completely shut down including the small illusion of the person suddenly glitching out and disappearing into the darkness. At this point it was beyond weird and abnormal.

Zak sighed and slowly climbed out of the vine covered ship hoping there weren't any traps ready to set off at any second. He had finally made it out when his foot knocked something, he wasn't sure what it was but he started to hear some beeping, that couldn't be good. 

He watched as cannons emerged from the ship and started to shoot arrows at him. 

"Shit..." he mumbled, turning away and running as fast as he could. He managed to pass a lot of the arrows when he felt a sudden pain in his left shoulder, it must have been an arrow.

He didn't have time to look back at his injured shoulder, he was currently in a death situation right now and the last thing he wanted was to die next to an alien ship.

Zak hurried his way home and managed to climb onto the pipe back into his room, once he sat down and caught his breath he checked his shoulder, it was still aching but he ignored it and continued to look at the damage. There was a big scratch with a lot of blood coming out so he quickly got up and went to the washroom so he can get some bandages. He wrapped it around his shoulder and took off his hoodie, his hoodie had a ripped part on the arm area with some red stains, probably from the blood. He put it into his laundry hamper and grabbed another hoodie.

'How am I going to explain this to my parents? They probably won't believe me if I told them this, it's not everyday I get scraped on the shoulder in the middle of the night and somehow changed my hoodie while I was at it, they aren't that dumb to fall for that!" He thought to himself, Zak knew he couldn't just be like, 'yeah um about that, I accidentally in the middle of the night scrapped my shoulder on the bed and got another hoodie on in my sleep', I mean who would be dumb enough to believe that?

He lay on his bed and stared at the ceiling, 'This is all so weird, just a day ago my life was perfectly fine' Zak sighed hearing the same words repeat in his head 'Your'e still a useless and powerless boy with no purpose' it was almost to real, he felt like the orange haired boy was right beside him saying those exact words 'What is my purpose? I'm just a normal high school boy anyway..' hearing those words stung but it was true, he had no purpose, well that he knew of anyway.

Zak thought for a moment, all his life he was different than everyone else, everyone else has multiple things they can be and do with powers, unlike Zak who had nothing since he was completely and utterly powerless. He decided to go to sleep, it was all happening too soon all at once, so he closed his eyes and returned to the darkness of his mind.

Timeskip; morning.

Again Zak opened his eyes, his body felt more weak than yesterday and his shoulder ached but he ignored it.

He followed his daily routine; get up, brush teeth, quick outfit change, pack backpack, eat breakfast and rush to school, pretty simple.

He made his way through the crowds of people, hearing a few people's conversations ad he went by. It wasn't like he was trying to, he just could. He had finally made it and ran to his classroom, seated himself in his chair and patiently waited for the class to start.

Zak watched as the teacher came in and sat down in her 'teacher chair' with a shorter boy following her, the boy had brown hair, green eyes, glasses, and was wearing a red and black hoodie, it was a strange outfit but who was he to judge?

"Hello class. Today we will introduce our new student, Darryl."

💌-𝙸 𝚏-𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

Welp that's the end of this chapter hope you enjoyed! Also I'm sorry if the chapters are a bit short I'm trying to consist of at least 1000 words in each chapter :<

🎊-Also eat and have a snack


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