Chapter 5: Two Deaths

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I walked through the long corridors of the mansion, people pushing pass each other to finish up orders just so their heads won't be sliced off.

This was basically everyday; everyone pushing someone else out of the way, screaming in fear of what is to come, and some blood leaking out through the small cracks of doors and walls.

I finally stopped in front of the main room which had three guards set in front. Most of the time there was always a new guard but this time it remained with the same three new people as yesterday.

"Hey there big man Nick!" Exclaimed the blonde one.

He was tall, I don't bother to measure his height though. I just couldn't help but look up at his tall frame.

The other two guards just waved in silence, the brown haired one slightly more energetic than the one with black and white split hair.

"I'm here to see her," I said, bowing upon the guards who's faces went dull at the mention of her.

The blonde slowly nodded and carefully opened the door, "be careful," he mumbled as he eyed me up and down.

"Thanks." I whispered, stepping into the barely lit room.

I heard the door slam shut behind me as I heard a hiss coming from the center of the room.

There she was sitting on her throne. Skulls decorated all around her throne and blood stained petals slowly fell down and burnt to ashes. Her dark eyes trailed over to me as she took a sip of her red wine.

I kneeled down in respect of her, wondering how to tell her about the newly occurred situation. 

"Master, the prince has been found." I said, hoping she wouldn't take this the wrong way.

"What do you mean he has been found?" Her booming voice asked out, I would have covered my ears but she found that disrespectful so I just focused my eyes on the floor and kept silent.

"He was found, his powers awakened." I said, I felt my voice shaking as I felt a sudden tension all around me.

"I see...well then, why don't we send some of our greatest warriors to attack?" she replied taking another sip from her glass, her arms crossing.

"We have already, one found him but she stood no match." I mumbled, loud enough for her to hear.

"So? Just send more, they're all replaceable after all," she replied.

"We-well they first have to find him..." I stammered.

She rolled her eyes in disappointment.

I felt her put her hand on my shoulder, but I accidentally flinched and burned her hand in the process as she hissed in pain.

"Nicholas, we talked about this," She said, clear venom behind her words as she threw her glass of wine at me.

I bit my lip as I felt a sudden pain as the glass shattered into little shards that scraped visible parts of my skin, my hair soaked with red wine that slowly dripped down my face.

I was used to this, she did this everyday after all. When I was younger I would beg her not to but now I just hope to get it over with, this was my life now.

I was patiently waiting for my next punishment because of my disappointing action as her second in command but it never came, instead I saw a sharp yet long sword placed before me.

"A price must be payed, I want you to kill Mr and Mrs Ahmed," she stated, gently nudging the sword towards me and her gaze followed my every move.

"What?" I asked.

Definitely Normal|Skephalo|Fanfic/AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon