Chapter 11: Me and him

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Zak POV, look up^ (Sorry for not posting lately been a bit busy :c)

I continued to lay on the log, I still felt like I needed time to think and process things.

My eyes slowly went dark and soon I was fast asleep.

My eyes opened to a new area different from any other place I've ever seen before.

Where am I? I seem to be in an old village or some shit.

I looked around, I was filled with rows of deserted houses when I heard screaming, I turned around to see people fleeing, pushing past each other to get away from something unbearable.

I watched as a huge black whole came closer to the village sucking everything up the houses and the people who lived there.

I panicked as it came closer when I felt someone grab my hand a drag me out.

"Skeppy! We have to get away!" Somebody exclaimed pulling me away from the whole which was currently sucking life out of people.

"But Bad!" I heard myself yell as I got dragged through the village.

"Skeppy we have to get away! It's going to kill us if we stay!"

I felt myself stop the person who was currently dragging me and looked into the persons Snow White eyes.

"Bad I can't leave" I heard myself say.

"But Skeppy we'll die if we stay out here and we just can't!"

"Bad! You leave, I'll stay"

"B-but you'll die! You promised you wouldn't leave!" The other person exclaimed who I assumed his name was Bad.

"I don't care, as long as you're safe" I heard myself say and I watched as 'Bad' started to tear up when all of a sudden everything froze in place.

"Wha-" I mumbled and looked to the see the sun which was at this point down.

I couldn't stop thinking of that dream but I decided to ignore it and block it out of my thoughts.

It was surprisingly peaceful so I decided to take the time and admire the scenery in front of me but my mind went straight to Darryl, somehow.

It's like he was always on my mind, it was strange. Whenever I'm with him I start to feel different, I usually never feel that way around anyone but for some reason it's just different when I'm with him.

I was willing to stay there for a few minutes when I heard some footsteps heading my way.

I turned around to meet familiar and friendly emerald eyes.

"Zak are you okay? You just randomly ran out the door without any explanation" Darryl exclaimed.

"I- I'm sorry, it's just hard learning the past" I said, I scooted to the side so Darryl could sit, he seemed to have gotten the small gesture so he sat down.

Darryl silently nodded, he probably didn't want to push to far so he didn't speak more of it.

We both sat there in silence when I felt a small weight on my shoulder.

I turned and saw a tired looking Darryl, right on my shoulder.

I could feel myself getting hot and my cheeks began to burn up.

"I-" I began but was cut off by Darryl.

"C-Can we just stay like this for a b-bit...?" He mumbled stuttering a bit as he spoke.

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