Oshun was intelligent, but sometimes she needed more clarification. Sometimes she needed help, which she wasn't always good at asking for.

"Where's your fucking necklace?" His abrupt voice nearly startled her.

"What?" The hoarseness in her voice couldn't be missed.

"The fucking necklace I got you." His eyes were focused on her collarbone, brows knitted together. "You and I have been good for a while, so why the fuck aren't you wearing it?"

"Because I flushed it down the toilet." She blinked at him.

A muscle in his cheek flexed. "You what?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"You were being a dick, so I flushed it down the toilet." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Bloody fucking hell, you idiot. That fucking necklace was worth loads." He was nearly shouting in vexation, combing a hand through his hair.

"And you were being a load of a dick."

He swore under his breath and dropped his forehead into his palm. He shook his head with his eyes shut.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled guiltily, and dragged her eyes back to her work.

"No. It's fine," he said with a heavy sigh. "It's fine."

She nodded subtly and kept her eyes on her work, stomach slightly tight.

"Takahashi, it's fine," he repeated in a calmer tone, his head tipping down to see her face. "It's okay, I swear. It's just a necklace."

She nodded again.

"I'll buy you a new necklace," he insisted, and slid his large hand to her inner thigh. It tickled every time one of the guys put their hand on the inside of her thigh, but she found that she enjoyed the feeling.

"I don't want a new necklace," she told him honestly, dismissing the tingling sensation at his hand brushing against her sensitive skin. "You don't need to buy me anything."

"Yeah, and I don't really care about your input at the moment." His fingers drummed against the skin of her thigh.

Her eyes rolled for a second time and she shook her head.

"I'll get one with my name on it." He sounded fairly confident. "So Weasley knows that you're mine and not his."

She stifled a laugh, unsure of what to say to this. She wasn't Draco's or Fred's. But they were hers—both of them.

They both knew they shared her. They also knew that she wasn't either of theirs. Not yet, at least. Not until the deadline was done. Not until she was forced to choose between the two.

Not until the demand of choosing between them broke whatever was left in her. It would ruin her, the final choice. But she tried not to think too much upon it.

"Draco." Oshun stood by the bed with her makeup pouch in hand after homework.

"Hm?" He didn't look at her. Too busy reading.

"Can I do your makeup?" Hope brightened the smile on her plump lips.

"No." Draco's head shook as he continued to read his book.

She frowned and her eyes fell down to her makeup pouch. She rarely ever wore makeup, so she was hoping to make use of it on Draco. "Okay." Her voice was small as she turned to walk away.

His jaw clenched and unclenched. "Wait, yes. You can do my makeup," he said tentatively, and patted the spot next to him.

She beamed and hopped onto the bed, but he pulled her onto his lap to straddle him after he put his book down.

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