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     "She's on life support, she is brain dead." Sobs escaped her lips and she couldn't control her tears. "Her heart has injuries that we couldn't fix in time." The doctor went on, "she is not going to heal from this. I am so sorry." The doctor said softly when he found Ms. Kayla Harmon sitting, stiches in her brow as she waited for her daughter to emerge after surgery.

"What?" She couldn't believe what the doctor was saying. "She's... no, no, no!" She repeated over and over. "No, she's not dead. She can't be dead." She continued to sob, her head fell into her lap.

"Would you like to see her?" Ms. Harmon nodded, "please come with me then." The doctor said leading the way to Caroline's room.

"That poor woman," Scarlett said closing her book and turning to Evan, "her daughter is brain dead. Her heart is literally broken and..." Scarlett thought to Cammie. The life Cammie was forced to live with was not a good one, but it was a life and she had to try and remember that God spared her for a reason.

"Hey kiddo. You ready to go? Doc said in two weeks you have your next surgery. It is in the books." Evan said rising from his seat. Eliot was done with school. Cammie was done with school. Colton was off on vacation still, but overall Cammie was happier. Lighter, more alive, everyone saw it.

"Bye darling!" Ethaline called to them waving as she walked down an opposing hallway to another patient.

"Can we get lunch I'm starving!" Eliot exclaimed putting down his Nintendo.

"Yeah look at him wasting away." Cammie emphasized patting his stomach.

As they moved to the elevator Cammie smiled, Cammie laughed, Cammie saw a possible future with this face. Scarlett tried to smile, enjoy this moment but her mind drifted back to that mother and her daughter. The daughter that would never get to smile again and it broke Scarlett's heart to even imagine what that would feel like. 

Masked (burnt book2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt