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     "I can't believe you did all this without me knowing. I must be losing my touch." Scarlett said as she looked over his agenda for their trip.

"You have been distracted, busy at work, busy with Cam, now is time to relax." Evan tossed a few shirts in her bag and moved past her, down the stairs with her luggage in hand. "I'm going to get these in the car, meet me downstairs." He instructed and Scarlett saw Eliot peer around her door just as Evan disappeared.

"Hey El," Scarlett began.

"You're leaving?" He accused confused.

"Just a little trip. We will be back before you know it. Besides Gamma is going to be here and she makes everything so much fun. You won't even notice I'm gone." Scarlett tried to make it seem like no big deal, but her and Evan rarely went anywhere for a day getaway let alone 4 days.

"How long?" Eliot asked hugging his moms waist.

"A few days, not even a week. Back before you know it." Scarlett said as she pet his hair.

"Bye Cam, take of everyone alright? Listen to Gamma and take care of your brother," Evan hugged her goodbye.

"I can't believe you are going on vacation!" She exclaimed, "I mean why don't we get to go?"

"You want to go on vacation? To the beach? Where lots of people are?" Evan asked wondering if she said yes if they could downgrade their room to a two bed instead of one.

"No," she said after much thought. "I mean not like this." She gestured lightly to her face.

"Then its settled as soon as you are happy again we will go on vacation, anywhere you want... within reason and probably within the country." Evan added. He knew that Scarlett and Cammie had been planning on Paris in the near future for Cammie's high school graduation. As Cammie's sophomore year of homeschooling was coming to a successful end, they hoped to start saving the money they spent on hospital bills for a Paris fund.

"Bye baby, I love you. I have my phone in case you need anything. And Geneva is not that far away so if you really need us we can be home that day." Scarlett told Cameron and Eliot kissing them again at the car.

"But really try not to need us," Evan half joked pulling Scarlett's door open for her.

"I can't believe they are gone." Eliot said, as their cat turned the corner. They all stood and watched from the door.

"Only for a few days, now why don't we play that game?" Lena asked her grandchildren as she ushered them into the living room.

"I can't believe we are doing this. We shouldn't be doing this." Scarlett informed Evan, but he continued to drive. "Really what were you thinking? We can't just leave!" She said as she turned around in her chair, back towards the house. "Evan." He placed a hand on hers and she silenced.

"Hey look Ma I made it," Evan began singing quietly as he turned up the radio. "Dun, dun, dun, hey look Ma I date it." Scarlett relaxed in her seat. She was trying to keep Eliot from feeling left out and so focused on Cameron that Evan had been feeling left out. "Everything's coming up aces, this is throw back." He said as he continued to sing.

"I'm sorry Evan." She said after the song finished and he glanced over to her, still holding her hand. "I was busy taking care of everyone else I forgot to take care of you."

"You make it seem as though I'm a child." Evan laughed. "But I do miss you..." He added. "From the kids, to work I feel like I don't see much of you. We wake up together and go to sleep together, but otherwise I don't see you. Our paths don't cross unless we are sitting in the hospital."

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