'Yo Cammie,' she smiled down at the text.

"Yo." She said aloud and laughed. "Who says yo?" She kept laughing as she read.

'Yo Cammie, I was thinking about you this morning. You alright?'

'No. Care to join me in my misery?' She typed back and within five minutes he was at her door.

"Colton!" Eliot said introducing him to all his friends. "This is-" Eliot went around the table they all waved at him saying hi through mouthfuls.

"Would you mind taking this up to Cammie?" Scarlett questioned as she flipped another stack of French toast.

"Of course Mrs. Brooks." Colton waved goodbye and smiled as he carefully made his way up the stairs. Before he could knock Cammie opened the door, a huge smile on her face as she took the plate from him. "That does not look like the face of a miserable girl." Colton said.

"Well food makes me happy." She replied sitting cross legged on her bed as she tossed blueberries in her mouth.

"Nothing to do with me?" Colton questioned mischievously, sitting across from her.

"Why do you like me?" Cammie asked bluntly.

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you like me?" She repeated. "Eliot's friends call me a hideous monster, a wad of chewed gum, a freak of nature." Colton shook his head, saddened.

"You are not a monster, not hideous, not-" Cammie held up a hand cutting him off.

"You know this relationship is plutonic. Nothing is going to happen between us so buttering me up with false compliments isn't going to get you laid." Colton blushed making his dark cheeks darker.

"No, no, no." He assured her. "I mean not that I, I mean you are great and..."

"Colton." She said his name like a command. "I just want the truth."

"Sure you don't look like other girls." He started. "But when you looked like everyone else you didn't look twice at me. We weren't friends anymore." He said honestly. "So I don't think you are a monster, I think that you are beautifully unique."

"Alright you had me until that last line." Cammie said, she put a hand over her mouth as she talked and chewed her breakfast.

"It's nice being friends again. What happened? And I want the truth." He added.

"I don't know, we just drifted." Cammie said casually.

"Lair." Colton always told it to her straight and she liked that about him. She liked that he was real with her, that he didn't look at her like a freak, like he claimed her didn't see her as. So why was it so hard to believe him? Oh that's right, because every time she looked in the mirror she saw what was wrong not what was right with her.

"My parents got Eliot a punching bag in the basement for his birthday. He's gotten really good." Cammie pushed past the topic. "I'm going to start hitting it when Eliot's at school. Picture all his little friends. Picture punching them in the face." Cammie finished off her plate, placing it on the ground for Ruckus to lick. "Eliot's coach," she went on seeing Colton still wanted to discuss their past. "At the boxing gym said that he wants Eliot to do some sparing in the ring, Eliot is really excited about the whole thing." She licked at her lips tasting syrup. "I would like to get in the ring with a few of his friends and just POW!" She threw a punch in the air to demonstrate.

"That's sounds better than punching children." Colton said cautiously. "So what do you want to do today? Besides punch Eliot's friends?"

Cammie started reading another book off her moms' shelf. 'One,' it's about conjoined twins and something they said hit Cammie hard.

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