Rudrayani was now on the verge of shading tears and in the hushed tone she said,
"But raksha had gifted me those dresses. How can I possibly leave those dresses behind..."

Now raksha understood the situation.

She just happily wiped her happy tears from her eyes that had gathered in her eyes while listening to how much rudra cared about her gifts...

Raksha was so happy that rudra really does care about feelings and emotions and not the materialistic things.

If any other girl was there in rudra's place, she would have happily forgotten about her old sentiments and feelings and moved on casually.

But Rudra cared for their friendship...and raksha really got a insight of rudra's sweet and angel like innocent heart as rudra still choosed to have her gifted clothes, even though they were not as precious as the exclusive collection of clothes that is waiting, just for her.

Rudrayani always proves her worth over the thousands of the gold digger suitors that had approached Ranvijay.

Ranvijay just laughed to himself and turned to see raksha's face only to find her smiling proudly at rudra.

Then he looked at rudra only to see rudra was watching his face expectantly.

He nodded understandingly at rudra.

And her face bloomed like a full moon.

Ranvijay just loosed his grip over his firm and cold stature and he smiled at his sweetheart with his reserved shy smile.

"This sweet angel is going to be death of mine."
Thought Ranvijay to himself.

.......Time skip.......

Next morning came quite to early for rudrayani as she still struggled to open her eyes from her deep slumber.

Maharani komal came to wake her princess up for the day.

But when she saw rudra curled up in the the blankets so cozily made her so emotional.

She remembered the days when she would just pull out little rudra's tiny blankes and she used to hug them to her heart whenever she used to miss her princess.

But now she had her princess right in front of her.

She wiped her tears from her eyes and woke up rudra. Rudrayani's eyes opened up to see most elegant and most pretty lady infront.

Rudrayani quickly sat on the bed and laughed nervously saying....

"I am so sorry. I didn't wake up earlier. Actually I... I am not quite a morning person.

And yesterday I had gotten to bed quite late. So...."

"That's fine my baby. But what kept you up so late in the night.... "Maharani komal casually asked.

"Oh... I went to Ranvijay's room last night..."

This quick reply from rudrayani had surprised maharani komal.

She knew her daughter loves Ranvijay.

But now that rudra was getting comfortable with Ranvijay, maharani komal felt her heart at so much peace.

Maharani komal knew Ranvijay was the only one for her dearest rudrayani.

And with this maharani komal started to laugh out loud. Then finally rudra realized what she said just now...

With the widened eyes rudra quickly held maharani komal's hands in her hands and said hurriedly,

"No no... its nothing like you think. Trust me... rakshu was there also. I had just gone to tell him that... "

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