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first chapter enjoy its gonna be short but whatever...


George sat on his stuffy mattress, his legs hanging on the bed frame, eagerly waiting. He stared at his monitor discord open with a heavy breath. He had just asked his best friend of three years to meet up with him in real life. 'dreamwastaken is typing...' and then he stopped.. George started to panic 'fuck I knew it was a dumb idea.' He flopped back on his bed, throwing his leg over his pillow. His head fired back up 'oh, Dream is calling,' George sprinted to his PC, nearly tripping over his own feet. He took a breath, hitting the join button.

"heyyy," George strung out.

"hi," Dream responded. "so uh about that question, can I sit on it? I've just got a lot of things on my plate right now. I'm terribly sorry."

"oh.. it's... it's okay, no biggie. I actually have to go, so I'll talk to you later, okay bye."

"wait geo-"

George blankly gazed at his ceiling. 'Why doesn't he want to meet up with me?' he repeated to himself 'why, why, why.' George felt tears prick in the corner of his eyes, not letting them fall, he wiped them. "fine if he wants to be like that." George stood up, flinging his chair back. He exited his room heading to his kitchen. Around the island and to the fridge, there laid a six-pack of bud light. George grabbed one off the plastic rings. 'oh, who am I kidding?' He said aloud, ripping two more beers off.

A couple hours later...

George's desk was covered in many crushed beer cans, His vision going black and blurred. The discord calling sound rang in his ears; he slammed his hands over them. He waited for his eyesight to focus to see who it was 'dreamwastaken is calling...' 'oh brother, this guy again' He rolled his eyes but still reluctantly hit join.

"you- you know I don't even want to hear it," He slurred.

"George, are you.. Drunk?" Dream asked, sounding concerned

He giggled "uhh maybe.. but- but shhh, don't tell anyone. Oh, wait, I'm mad at you" George's tone changed.

"I get why, but as I said, I am just busy and-"

"turn on your camera."

"uh, why?"

"Because I said so, turn on your camera" He shouted

"Okay, mr.grumpypants, I'll turn mine on if you turn yours on."

"ugh, fine, but this better not be a troll," George said, turning his camera on "there happy? Well, I'm not. I want to see you." he wined

Dreams face appears across George's screen "oh shit, I forgot how hot you were," He said, half hushed.

"what? WHAT?" Dream laughed. "oh, you must be soo drunk right now"

'drunk words are sober thoughts' hahaha



George just went through the 5 stages of grief in a couple hours hm weird anyway hope you have a good day/night get something to drink or eat even if its something small and byeee!

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