You'll see

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Taehyung returned home at 3pm because he was only having a meeting today.

He was trying to open the door but it was locked, he used the spare keys and entered, all lights were off, he sccaned the living area but y/n was no where he thought you might be sleeping so he went upstairs but y/n was not there too, he changed to casual and layed on the bed with relief.

Taehyung's Pov

Where she went, let her be but she didn't informed me, leave, now finally i can sleep peacefully , i wish she have gone forever, but then this house would not have been full with exictement and joyness, she have a different nature which attracts me towards her, always full of energy.
End of Pov

He was thinking about her while looking at the ceiling maybe he was missing her, he smiled and soon drifted into sleep.

At Mom's House

Time skip

Mom: Y/n dear see it's going to be 8pm you should leave now.

Y/n: Don't worry mumma.

Mom: Taehyung must be tensed.

Y/n: Nice joke

Appa: It's not a joke y/n, you should be responsible now.

Y/n: appa you too

Mom: Dear you can visit us often or whenever you want.

Y/n: But mumma he said he will come late.

Mom: He must have Sayed but on Sundays people don't have much work.

Y/n: People don't have much work but aliens have.

Mom: Don't say like that

Y/n's Pov

I don't want to go but Mumma and appa both are saying to leave, i know he haven't return, but what if he have really returned,hmm..... I think i should go.
End of pov


Taehyung's Pov
Where she went, it's going to be 9, i mean she should have informed me Where's she going, so careless person.
End of Pov

A/n:( I know the Pov is too short please forgive).


Y/n took her bag and said bye to her parents, she ordered a cab, and reached her place within few minutes.

Y/n: Hey bro! You should have been a pilot instead of Driver.
She said coming out.

Driver: Actually i was a pilot only, but one day by mistakly i crashed my plane with a other plane So i was fired .

Y/n: So sad.
She said and waved at him and he drove off.


Taehyung was sitting on the couch facing the enterence door and then the door opened by y/n she was looking tired.

Y/n: You came so early.

Taehyung stood up and went towards her.

Taehyung: Where were you

Y/n: Actually in was bored s- -

Taehyung: So what, First answer me where were you.

Y/n: I was answering only but you cuted me off.
She said and started going forward but he held her arm and make her stand infront of him.

Y/n: Leave me.
She said rubbing her arm.

Taehyung: Don't you have phone

Y/n: I have, see
She said showing him her phone

Taehyung: They why don't you use it.

Y/n: Who said i don't use it.
She said moving forward but he again made her stand infront of him.

Taehyung: Don't you have manners, When you are going out you should have informed me.

Y/n: I informed you, check your text.

Taehyung: Oh really, then why I didn't receive any.

Y/n: wait

She said and checked her phone and she saw that by mistakly she sent the message to Jungkook instead of Taehyung .

Taehyung: What 🤨.
He asked with sarcastic smile.

Y/n: Ahh! he he he my mistake actually.

Taehyung: Okay leave these, what took you so long to return.

Y/n: I went to my parents house because I was missing them.

Taehyung: how you came from there.

Y/n: Cab, you know the driver of the cab was pilot, i am so happy that I met a pilot.

Taehyung: ya and he will be sad that he met a dumb like you.

Y/n: What no
She said and rolled her eyes.
She was going forward but again he made her stand infront of him. Uff this jerk😑.

Y/n: what now
She said with crying tone.

Taehyung: From now on, before going out inform me or else.

Y/n: Or else what.

Taehyung: You'll see
He said with a smirk 😏and moved back for giving her space to go upstairs.

*. *. *. *. *.

Hope you liked this part.

~𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐞Where stories live. Discover now