"It sure will be." I say and he smiles.

"Try not to get mauled by the port supporters." He jokes and I laugh.

"I'll try not to, but if I hear anyone say anything bad about you, I will throw hands."

"That's not really best friend like is it?"

"No, no it's not, but I could just be an overprotective friend." I say and he nods.

"True." He says and I smile.

"Anyways, Tory is waiting, I'll see you after the game." I say and he smiles, leaning in and placing a kiss on my lips.

"Have fun." He says and I smile as I walk away from him.

"You ready?" She says and I nod.

"Yep, let's try and not get killed." I say and she laughs as we walk out of the rooms and into the stadium.

We find our seats virtually straight away and I sigh as we're sitting right next to a bunch of Port Adelaide supporters.

They look at us as we walk down the aisle and to our row, and I know straight away that they know who we are.

We get to our seats and of course we have to be sitting next to a group of teenage boys and I sigh, as I take a seat down next to them with Tory on the other side. 

"I can sit next to them if you want." She offers and I let out a chuckle.

"Nah it's all goods, I'm fine." I say and she nods.

"Hey, sorry to bother you girls but you're Bont's sister yeah?" One of them asks and I turn to them, plastering a smile on my face and nodding.

"Yep, that's me."

"What are you doing in Adelaide? Dogs aren't playing."

"I'm just here supporting some of my mates." I say tryna not make it obvious that I have a James Worpel pin on my scarf.

Luckily I chucked on Dylan's and Finn's before I got here, so the mates lie seems more believable.

"Oh who are your mates?"

"Oh you know, Dylan Moore, James Worpel, Finn Maginness." I say. "Just to name a few."

"Oh righto." He says before turning to his mates and leaving us alone, I turn to Tory who smiles at me. I can tell she was trying to hold in her laughter.

"How the hell did you blatantly lie to their faces?"

"I had to do what I had to do." I say and she smiles.

"Girl I wish I had the balls to do that." She says just as we hear a bit of cheer in the crowd and we turn our heads to the ground where we see the boys running onto the ground and I smile as I see James.

We cheer a bit and get a couple of greasy's, but continue clapping along to the theme song.

Port Adelaide come out shortly after and the crowd roar was loud.

It's such a hostile environment and a lot of clubs love it, they feed off the crowd's energy even though it's mostly all Port Adelaide supporters.

Not long later they sing their famous Never Tear us Apart song that they do before every home game, the game starts. But the thing is... the Hawks did tear them apart....


"Ahhh yes James!" I say as he marks the ball in the 50. I look at Tory and smile.

"If he kicks this all the boys will get around him." Tory says and I nod.

"They sure will." I say as we watch him set up for his set shot.

Summer Love - James WorpelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang