39 ❥ goodbye jackson, hello axton

Start from the beginning

"I'm gonna take a shower," I say before making my way into the bathroom.

After crying in the shower for a good 30 minutes, I finally make my way out and pause when I see all the girls including Madison sitting on my bed.

"How did you-"

"I picked the lock." Lili shrugs.

"Of course you did." I let out a laugh.

"Come sit with mama," Arya says while patting the spot next to her.

"I mean my boyfriend of 5 years cheated on me with 3 girls...how would you feel?"

"Alright so clearly you're not feeling great," Lina says.

"We brought you food," Madison says while pointing at the plate that holds a large burger and some fries.

"Thanks, guys, but I'm not hungry."

"The girls and I decided we should have a girl's night! We'll wear face masks and watch a bunch of Marvel movies. More specifically Spider-man because we all know how much you love Andrew Garfield."

Andrew Garfield does help cheer me up...

"It will be fun!" Lili says.

"Think about Andrew!" Lina laughs.

"Alright! Fine. FOR ANDREW!" I yell.

"FOR ANDREW!" They all cheer.

I watch as Madison reaches over the other side of my bed and hauls a large makeup bag onto the bed.

"I thought we were just having a spa night?" I whisper to Arya.

"We are. That's all her skincare stuff." She replies.

Holy shit!

No wonder why this chick's skin is always glowing.

She opens the bag and suddenly dumps about 50 different products onto the bed.

"Who wants to go first?" She asks, her face plastered with a huge smile.

I think this is the first time I've ever seen her smile.

"Ryan." Everyone says at once.

She quickly gets off the bed and drags me into the bathroom.

"Lucky for you, you already have pretty good skin but honey, when was the last time you used a peel-off mask?"

"Uhhh never."

"What?! You've never used a peel-off mask?"

"I've never used any type of mask."

"Then how do you have such nice skin?"

"I don't know. All I do is wash my face twice a day."

"Do you wear makeup?"

"Not really."

"Oh. Well, that makes sense." She says while spreading some kind of mask onto my face.

We both continue to sit there in silence until she finally blurts out something unexpected.

"He gave me his number on the plane."


"Jackson. He started flirting with me on the plane and gave me his number."

"Did you...ever use it?"

"No and I wasn't planning on it either but I just wanted to let you know." She says.

"I cheated on him too." I blurt.

"What?! With who?"

Fuck! Should I tell her?

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