36 ❥ aloha mother fuckers!

Start from the beginning

"I want to make a...toast?"

"Let's hear it, man!" Axton laughs.

"First off I want to say thank you to those of you who joined Alyssa and me for Christmas yesterday, it meant a lot to us and second of all, I would like to thank Xander and Axton for putting this trip together for us. To making memories with the ones we love!" He concludes by raising his glass.

"To making memories with the ones we love!" We all cheer before clinking our glasses and taking a sip of our drinks.

We all continue to enjoy our dinner and talk about our plans for the week.

"Just so you know, we have surf lessons tomorrow at 7 am," I say.

"We have to wake up early on vacation?" Ryan groans.

"Sadly that was the only opening spot," I say and everyone else groans.

We all finish our dinner and put our dishes away.

"Why don't we all sit by the fire pit outside? The sky is clear and we can see all the stars." Axton suggests and everyone begins to make their way outside.

We all gather around the fire and silently look up at the stars.

"Oh my gosh, you can see the Big Dipper!" Arya gasps before pointing at the sky.

"Let's play a game," Cameron suggests.

"Sure." We all agree.

"Truth or Dare?" He asks and we all nod again.

"I'll go first." He says.

"Uh...Jesse! Truth or Dare?" He asks.

Jesse gives him a death glare before muttering "Truth".

"Have you fucked Lili yet?" He asks and I hear someone spit out their drink.

"Why the fuck do you care?"

"Answer the question."

"No, I have not because unlike you, I don't just run on sex and drugs." He spits.

"Okay, guys! That's enough." Lina says.

"Uh...Asher Truth or Dare?" Jesse asks.


"I dare you to kiss the person you're most attracted to," Jesse says and I smirk.

We all know he's gonna kiss Lina.

Asher slowly gets up and makes his way over to where Lina is sitting.

He leans down and places his lips onto hers which she quickly reciprocates...

"ALRIGHT, WE GET IT!" Madison screams which causes them to break apart.

"Uh, Ryan...Truth or Dare?" He asks.


"I dare you to sit on the lap of any guy other than your boyfriend...for the rest of the game," Asher says and I watch and Ryan's face turns bright red.

"Fine." She smirks before slowly getting up and making her way toward my brother.

No surprise there.

She looks at him as if she were silently asking for permission and he nods his head before pulling her onto his lap.

My brother looks extremely comfortable while Jackson sends him a dirty look.

"Uh, Madison...Truth or Dare?"


"What is your biggest regret?"

"Pfft, easy! Dating Asher." She says with a large smirk on her face.

"Fucking bitch." I hear Arya whisper.

"What was that Arya?" Madison asks, her smirk still on her face.

"I said you're a fucking bitch." Arya says.

HA! I love the fact that she has no filter.

Everyone starts to laugh and Madison's smirk disappears.

"Catalina!Truth or Dare?" Madison asks suddenly.

"Oh uh...Truth."

"What is the scariest thing you've ever gone through?" Madison asks.

"Oh uh...well I haven't really told anyone this story but about 2 years ago, my dad and I almost died."

"How?" I ask.

"Well, It was a Sunday and my dad and I were at church. We don't go very often but when we do it's usually because we need to clear our minds. I don't know how but suddenly it started to smell like it was burning and I started hearing a bunch of people screaming. Suddenly a huge fire erupted all around the church and the door would not open." She pauses for a moment before continuing again.

"My dad and I were sitting towards the front which kept us farthest from the exit. As I was running out, I noticed my dad wasn't next to me. When I looked back, I noticed that something had fallen on his foot and he couldn't move. I ran back over to him to try and get whatever fell on him off. The smoke was getting too thick and it started getting hard to breathe. I managed to get my dad free and as we were trying to get out, a large piece of glass fell on me and tore right through my clothes. After that, I guess I passed out. When I woke up, it was a month later and I found out that I was in a coma, I lost almost all my blood, and I even lost my life during surgery for about a minute." She says before getting up and raising the back of her shirt to reveal a large scar that covers her entire back.

"Holy shit!" Ryan gasps.

"I'm okay now though. Sadly they never found out who started the fire." She said with a small shrug.

"How long did it take you to recover?" Jackson asks.

"About a year. I couldn't dance for about a year and a half." She said,

"Jeez, I'm sorry you had to go through that," Lili says.

We all go quiet for a little. I think we're trying to soak in what we just heard.

"Um, Axton...Truth or Dare?" Lina continues the game.

My brother replies but I don't hear it because all I can notice is Madison and Asher giving each other uncertain stares.

What the fuck?

----------Author's Note----------

The gang has finally made it to Hawaii! Now let's see what drama awaits them...

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Word Count: 1695

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