Chapter 1- The Beginning of a New Lifestyle

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Packing the few possessions dear to me, I head deep into the forest. Once past where any other would dare go, I raise a mighty tower using my power. "Here we shall stay, away from the wretchedness of the rest of mankind." I declare.

No sooner have I stepped inside than someone speaks up, "Hand over your first born child, Gothel."

I spin around to be faced with a mysterious pair of blue eyes and a wry smile. "Rumplestiltskin." I breathe, "I thought you went off to explore the world."

"I did. Now I'm back. I will expect you to uphold your promise." He says, running a hand through his long, dark hair.

"I made that promise when I was eight." I reply, thinking back.

"I'm never going to get married and I'm never going to have children!" I declared decisively.

"Really?" Rumplestiltskin inquired.

"Yes. Boys are stupid."

"Hey! That's not very nice." Rumplestiltskin whined, putting his hands on his hips.

I stuck my tongue out. "Fine. Then if you are never going to get married, I suppose you won't mind agreeing to give me your first born child." He challenged.

"Alright. Because it will NEVER happen!"

"A promise is a promise." Rumplestiltskin says, "You must uphold your word."

"For your information, this child isn't even mine." I respond.

This takes Rumpelstiltskin by surprise. "She's not?"

I explain what happened. "Well, she is a first born child, and now she's yours, so she IS your first born child." He decides.

"You are not taking Rapunzel from me." I tell him, clutching the baby close.

He lets out a sigh. "I suppose I will have to do the next best thing."

"What's that?"

"Stay here with you and help you raise Rapunzel." He smiles cheekily.

"No." I answer, but he is already brushing past me.

"Which room is mine?" He inquires.

"None! Get out!" I exclaim.

Rumpelstiltskin makes a pouty face. "You promised! Besides, I've searched the world and have discovered no one better than you to hang around with for the rest of eternity."

"What are you saying?" I ask a little too quickly.

"I'm saying you should marry me and then we could raise Rapunzel together. You know how I feel about you Gothel." He smiles jokingly.

"Idiot. Don't say such things. Now, go find someone else to bother. I have a child to raise." I answer.

Rumpelstiltskin lets out a sigh. "We may not be wed, but I'm serious when I say that I want to hang around with you. Your company is much more enjoyable than that of most people I've met."

I feel my cheeks flush red. "I suppose I can allow you to stay. You better not cause a ruckus." I reply, "Choose whichever room you want. I have yet to furnish any of them."

"Sweet!" He exclaims, rushing off to choose a room.

Looking down at Rapunzel, I question, "What do you think? Will he be handy to have around?"

She gazes up at me with her brilliant blue eyes. "I suppose you're hungry..."

Heading towards the brand new kitchen, I begin to wonder how baby formula is actually made. Considering I never planned on having a child, I'm unfamiliar with anything to do with raising children. Grabbing my old recipe book off of the shelf, I leaf through it in search of something I can make.

"Whatcha doing?" Rumplestiltskin asks bouncing into the room.

"Trying to find a baby formula recipe! This book wasn't meant for babies..." I frown, glaring down at the pages full of soufflés and tarts.

Rumpelstiltskin blinks at me. "Formula is easy to make." He says, and begins mixing a few ingredients.

Soon, he has a creamy off-white mixture. "Ta-da!"

"How do I know that's actually consumable?" I ask.

"Because unlike you, I actually took a Childbirth class." He says proudly, "There they taught all about babies and how to properly take care of them. I am a certified father."

I narrow my eyes suspiciously and do a quick magic check of the formula. It seems perfect. "Alright, then I'll let you feed her." I say, gently placing Rapunzel in Rumpelstiltskin's arms.

With care, he lifts the bottle to her mouth. She begins drinking greedily. "Aren't you a hungry little one!" Rumpelstiltskin coos.

"Which room did you pick. I will furnish it for you." I say to him.

"The top one. It's the largest." He replies, and then turns his attention back to Rapunzel.

Imagining a lavishly furnished room decorated in deep green, his favorite color, I focus my energy. Soon, it is in place. Next, I imagine a room with a crib decorated in pink. "For the first few months, Rapunzel will have to sleep in my room so I can watch over her." I explain to Rumplestiltskin.

"But of course. She is your first born after all. I can already see the resemblance." He answers, with a smile, revealing the perfectly straight teeth I have always envied.

"She looks nothing like me!" I exclaim.

"You're both beautiful." He offers with a wink.

I narrow my eyes as Rapunzel giggles. "It's time for bed." I comment, looking out the window where the sun has long since set.

"Indeed it is. We want our little tyke here to get a good night's rest."

The Truth Behind Rapunzel (Gothel)Where stories live. Discover now