Chapter 13- The Finale!

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As I continue to suffocate, I imagine all of the times with Rapunzel. From when her first words were "Mother Rumpelstiltskin" to when she was running around classifying toads, her image floods my head. I can imagine her laughter, and her tears, as well as the way she creatively came up with new ideas. She was destined to go so far in her life, but now she has been spirited away. If she eats as much as a bite of the food in the realm of the fae, then she will never return. This isn't okay with me!

In a burst of power, I break through the spell suffocating me and holding me still. I turn towards Julius and send him away using only my own power. Next, I try to open a portal to the realm of the fae. It's no use. I can't breakthrough. 

"I will!" I exclaim, but my power still isn't enough.

Finally, it runs out, and I fall to the ground. I'm still alive, but now I am spent. "Why?" I break down, "Why?"

"Mother?" a voice says from behind me, rather hesitantly.

I turn around to see Rapunzel standing before me. I can hardly believe my eyes. Is this an illusion brought on by my delirium? 

"My darling." I cry harder, reaching out and hugging her close. "How are you back?"

"Mother, don't cry. It's okay. I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I didn't mean it. I have actually known about the circumstances of my birth for a long time," she tells me. "I was still angry about the marketplace, and I let Geoffrey talk me into despising what you did to me."

"How are you back?" I repeat again, completely stupefied.

At this, Rapunzel colors slightly. "Within the realm of fae, two weeks passed. Time passes differently there, and I ended up running into Marcus, a young warlock. He stopped me from eating some cheese, and helped me escape the realm."

I pull away from Rapunzel to see a young boy standing off to the side, looking rather sheepish. He has black hair, golden eyes, and a good smattering of freckles. I then look back at Rapunzel and notice the sudden shyness in her demeanor. 

"I see, Marcus it is." I say, wiping my eyes and standing up.

It's time for me to return to being a mature adult. "It's nice to meet you, ma'am." he says, "Rapunzel has told me much about you."

"She has?" I inquire, raising an eyebrow quizzically.

Marcus shies away a little bit. "Yeah."

"Well, I thank you. If you hadn't brought her back, then she would be lost," I tell him.

He colors a bit at this. "She was actually the one who managed to get us out of there. With her extensive knowledge of magic, she was able to direct me in casting my spells and I was able to escape the realm." Marcus says, "I've never met anyone so brave and strong."

"What are you talking about? Without you to cast the spells flawlessly, we would never have gotten out of there alive." Rapunzel argues back.

Rumpelstiltskin and Vivian come running up to us. "What happened?" Rumpelstiltskin demands, surveying the scene.

I let out a relieved laugh and then inform him of what just transpired. He eyes Marcus up and down and seems to become a bit defensive of Rapunzel. "Young man, would you care to tell me more about yourself?"



Four years have transpired since Rumpelstiltskin came back, and since we sent Julius away. I have confidence that I stripped him of all of his magical powers. I'm not quite sure where I sent him, but the last I heard, there was an exceptional tutor teaching at one of the public universities. His only downfall is that he holds no magic.

As for Rapunzel, she fell hard for Marcus who happens to be not only a warlock, but also a prince as well. Next month, she is having a double wedding with me and Rumpelstiltskin. I know it's a bit strange to have a double wedding at the same time as your mother, but Rapunzel was actually the one who insisted upon it.

Rumpelstiltskin finally took care of the issue he was facing and is now free from his curse. Soon, I think we will all be able to continue our happily ever afters. 

The Truth Behind Rapunzel (Gothel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin