Chapter 2- The Unexpected Difficulties of Parenthood

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I wake with a start. "WAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!"

"What's the matter, darling?" I ask, quickly making my way over to Rapunzel's crib.


I peer down at Rapunzel unsure of what to do. Rumpelstiltskin comes walking in, wearing only his boxers. "Ah! Don't go around like that!" I exclaim, trying to look away. "You're going to scar Rapunzel for life!"

"From the sounds of things, you're the one scaring her for life." He says coolly, swiftly taking Rapunzel from my arms, "There, there. No need to cry."

She instantly quiets and snuggles up to him happily. "I know what she needs." Rumplestiltskin says, "She needs a bedtime story!"

"No. She needs rest!" I answer.

Rumpelstiltskin takes a seat in one of my rocking chairs and gently rocks Rapunzel back and forth. "Once upon a time..." He begins, "There was a young enchantress. She had hair as dark as night and emerald green eyes that sparkled in the moonlight. They were the kind of eyes one could get lost in for an eternity. Her name was Gothel."

"Really?" I blurt.

"Shh! Don't interrupt." He scolds.

With a resigned sigh, I sit on the edge of my bed to listen. "Gothel was a smart girl. She learned the art of magic quite well. Soon, she could even outcast the teachers. Because she was so powerful, many feared her. This meant that she was left with only one friend in the world. His name? Rumpelstiltskin. He was a devilishly handsome warlock with dark locks of hair and pure blue eyes. They too, were the kind you could get lost in for an eternity." He continues.

I roll my eyes. Rumplestiltskin smiles. "One day, the two went out fishing. They were determined to catch the biggest fish anyone had ever seen... without using magic. 'I'll bet I can catch the fish before you do.' Gothel challenged. 'No way!' Rumpelstiltskin replied, sticking his tongue out. Just like that, the two of them began fishing.

"All at once, Rumpelstiltskin got a fish on the line! 'Ha! I'll bet this is the biggest fish in the whole world!' He bragged, leaning towards the water to get a better look. Suddenly, he was falling forward. Splash!

"The issue was that, unlike Gothel, Rumpelstiltskin had never learned how to swim! As he struggled for air, he couldn't help but wonder if the end had finally come. After what seemed to be an eternity, but was half a minute at most, Gothel burst through the water! She cut swiftly through the water and brought Rumplestiltskin through the surface. The only issue? He wasn't breathing.

"'Idiot. Why do you always get into such trouble?' Gothel sighed and then started with CPR. Soon, Rumplestiltskin's eyes fluttered open.

"'Is that an angel I see, here to take me to heaven?' He asked. Gothel slapped him and stood up.

"'Why didn't you mention that you couldn't swim? What if you had drowned?' She demanded.

"Rumpelstiltskin got to his feet shakily. 'I think we should head back now.' He said. Gothel and he returned home where they got a very long lecture from the school supervisors for running off in the middle of the day. Everyone lived happily ever after." He finishes.

"I had nearly forgotten about that." I comment, "It happened so long ago."

"I could never forget that moment." Rumpelstiltskin answers, "That was the moment I decided that you and I were going to be best friends until the end of time."

I roll my eyes again. "Stop always being so dramatic." I sigh.

"Humph, at least Rapunzel liked my story!" he answers, looking down at the child, fast asleep.

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