Chapter 8- Rumpelstiltskin's Departure

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After returning home, the next few years pass quite peacefully and Rapunzel begins to walk and read and write. "I sure wish we could have Rapunzel interact with other children more often," I tell Rumpelstiltskin for the billionth time.

"I know, my love," he answers. "But we don't live near any villages and if we brought Rapunzel to a village, the villagers would wonder where the two of you materialized from and it would put both of you in danger."

"What did you just call me?" I demand, feeling my cheeks flushing red from his use of 'my love'.

"I was simply trying to set a good example for Rapunzel." He explains, "If she hears us using endearing terms, then she will grow up kinder and will be able to use such terms herself."

"In that case, do you mind informing me of this sudden change in how we speak, before you randomly start referring to me with such phrases?" I inquire, giving Rumpelstiltskin a harsh glare.

"Of course. From now on if I come up with any other schemes, I will let you know," he tells me.

"Alright. I'm glad, honey."

With that, I sit down in my rocking chair and take Rapunzel into my lap. "It's time for your daily story and then nap," I inform her.

"Me no nap!" Rapunzel exclaims, waving her arms adamantly.

"Now Rapunzel, it is important for you to take a nap so that later you have enough energy to come do something fun with Mother Gothel and me," Rumpelstiltskin scolds her gently.

Rapunzel makes a pouty face and crosses her arms. "Me no nap!"

"You want to hear your story don't you?" I ask her.

Rapunzel looks conflicted. "Story! Story!" she finally chants and then after another moment of thinking she adds, "Me no nap."

"After the story, it is time for your nap." I repeat once more, "Now let's read the story."

Hopefully by the end of the story, Rapunzel forgets her resolve not to nap. I begin to read from the magical story book that Rumpelstiltskin brought back from his last business trip. "Once upon a time..."

By the time I've finished the story, Rapunzel is sound asleep in my lap. I gently stand up and begin to carry her to her crib. Now that she is a bit older, she has her own room within the tower. As soon as I'm sure she's sound asleep, I double check to make sure that my spell which will alert me when she wakes up is in place and then I head back down to the living room where Rumpelstiltskin waits, all decked out with things for some kind of trip.

"I'm afraid I have to leave soon. I don't know when I'll be back." Rumpelstiltskin suddenly blurts out.

I turn around, feeling surprised. "Another business trip?"

He shakes his head. "I am in a fair bit of trouble, and I've been forestalling it for years, but now I'm afraid everything has caught up to me. I might not be back for years, but when I finally do get back, I will no longer be putting you or Rapunzel in danger."

"If there is something looming over you, I can help. I do have a fair amount of powers. I'm sure Vivian would be willing to watch over Rapunzel for a little while." I offer.

"This isn't something you can help me with. It's something I need to face on my own. Besides, Rapunzel needs you here. You would be away too long if you came with me."

"Can you at least tell me what the matter is? Then I can make that decision for myself." I tell him, hoping that we can somehow resolve the matter in a number of weeks, "Also what of your promise to do something fun with me and Rapunzel? Rapunzel will be disappointed if you are gone again. I think part of the reason that she hates naps is she knows you may be gone by the time she wakes up."

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