Beautiful and powerful soul.

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 When the three martial Gods arrived at the temple, the first sound that greeted them was a loud cry coming from outside.

"Does Hua Cheng know how to take care of children? It sounds like he's being tortured," Mu Qing commented before heading towards the temple door, curious about what was happening.

Xie Lian sensed what was going on. If the three of them were outside the temple, Hua Cheng should be wearing San Lang's appearance, so the junior was pouting about it.

"The youngest gets angry when he sees Hua Cheng as San Lang," Xie Lian explained. "We think maybe it has something to do with his right eye since he was pointing at it and repeating that it was wrong."

"Why would he aim his eye?" Mu Qing asked.

"You'll see why," Feng Xin replied before they left the small room.

On the left side of the garden, San Lang was carrying pieces of wood to a small woodshed; and clinging to his right leg there was the source of that pitiful cry.

The little one with the crimson eye had wet cheeks and mumbled little "No" as his hands tried to restrain the older one, but Hua Cheng completely ignored him as he kept walking.

On the other side of the temple was the little albino, who was sitting on the grass, looking at the yellow flowers while Ruoye and E-Ming stood beside him.

"Dianxia... Are you sure he's not your son?" Mu Qing questioned, amazed at their similarities.

"Do you seriously consider that I conceived this child with a woman?" Xie Lian responded with another question.

"I never mentioned any woman," Mu Qing commented; moreover, Xie Lian decided to interrupt him before he got the wrong idea.

"They arrived this morning. We don't know where they came from, nor who they are..."

Hearing his Highness' voice, both Hua Cheng and the minor looked at the three gods, who were quietly conversing outside the temple about how the events were.

The crimson-eyed minor quickly let go of the ghost's leg to run to where Xie Lian was.

"Dad." The distressed little voice attracted the attention of the god, who turned down to smile kindly at him and carry him in his arms, wiping his cheeks with the sleeves of his robe.

"Also, they've been calling us parents since we found them," Xie Lian added to his explanation.

Noticing Dianxia holding the little one with the crimson eye, Mu Qing recalled a similar moment hundreds of years ago; however, he did not comment.

"It's just like Hua Cheng," Feng Xin mentioned, noticing the younger one hugging his Highness as if he did not want to be seen by the others.

"It would be more pleasing if he was like his Highness."

An additional voice sounded before them. San Lang bowed his head slightly towards his beloved, ignoring the presence of the others to then watch how the child clung to Xie Lian's robe. "Do you need help with that? You shouldn't be so close to him."

Xie Lian denied.

"They are only childish souls. If they wanted to attack us, they would have already done so."

The gods knew that he was right.

If someone wanted to attack the couple, something would have already happened. And the minors were very calm among themselves.

"Dianxia, we should start inquiring about their origin," Mu Qing suggested.

Xie Lian agreed with him and turned to where the little albino was.

"Hún Lì, come with us."

The little boy quickly got up from the ground at the sound of His Highness's voice and walked straight to him to hug his leg.

"Have you already named them?" Feng Xin asked.

"It's not naming them. We can't be referring to them without knowing their names or something to identify them," Xie Lian commented before turning to Mu Qing. "Do you want to talk to them inside the shrine?"

After deciding, they all went back inside the small shrine.

Mu Qing explained to Feng Xin about something he needed to communicate with the children, whereupon they began searching for them inside and outside the temple.

Meanwhile, Xie Lian left the little crimson one on a small wooden bench.

This younger one looked fearfully at the older one, afraid that he was going to leave him; so, he held his sleeve.

Xie Lian smiled calmly at him, but inside he felt panic as he felt how this little one's strength was immense like his brother's.

"It's okay. They won't hurt you. Besides, I'll be here," Xie Lian commented before pulling back his sleeve and patting his head, conveying reassurance towards the younger one. After that, he walked towards Hua Cheng, who had returned to his normal appearance inside the temple.

"No trace in Ghost Town or near the dead sea. It's as if they just appeared out of nowhere," Hua Cheng commented.

If two ghosts didn't appear in the third realm, that meant they must have come from the second.

"Everything stems from something. So, let's find out why they are here," Mu Qing interrupted the two, getting their attention to watch him holding a wooden box and two bowls covered with talismans.

Beside him, Feng Xin held two pieces of cloth, one white and one red; and in his other hand, he had two small pieces of firewood.

Xie Lian hesitated for a moment about what was going on.

Would his best way of communication be a scenario?

"Okay, let's begin."


(Note: Hún Lì is composed of the characters 浑力. 浑/Hún means soul, while 力/Lì means strength. Here, Xie Lian mentions it as "Strong Soul.")

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