Chapter 23- Hunting Rebecca

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I really didn't know much about Rebecca. She never expressed anything other than physical emotions, desires, needs and wants. We had great sex, but our conversations always fell flat. While I liked her much more than most people, our entire relationship was duplicitous.

The one thing that hinted at where she would be was the fact she loved the water. I knew I would probably find her on a beach somewhere, but there were thousands of beaches and islands. How was I ever going to find her?

Then the thought dawned on me. While I had never been good with technology, there were ways tech wizards could track her. Becks didn't have access to a private jet, so if she got on a plane, she'd have to use her passport or other identification if she were to leave the United States.

Becks, love her to death, but she was not resourceful. She wouldn't have known where to go to get a fake passport. So she was limited to the US and the rest of the Americas. She could walk it, but that was the only way she left the Americas. And she was too much of a prissy bitch to hike for months, so I knew I'd find her a lot closer to home than I would have found Jess. But regardless, I needed to find them, and I prayed Beck would hear me out and at least listen to my apology and reasoning for doing what I did to her.

She was in the United States. I knew it, but the US was one of the largest countries in the world. I didn't exactly have the resources yet to send half my coven on a hunt, so I met with Hannah.

"I'm going to be gone a while," I knocked on Hannah's door that was open. She often left her door open, even when she was having sex with one of her three boy toys. I thought she might have been into voyeurism.

"What? Why?" She responded, lazily getting out of her bed, which luckily didn't have a man in it.

"I'm looking for an old friend," I told her. 

"This isn't that Rebecca chick you're always going on about?" She surmised.

"I need to find her," I said with no emotion.

"Just let her go!" Hannah advised me.

"I want her forgiveness," I sulked.

"Fuck her," Hannah urged. "You have all of us. What if the other vampires don't like that you put me in charge of choosing the ten? What if you being gone destroys the coven?"

"I highly doubt that will happen," I laughed. "People love and respect you as the second in charge of Lust Coven."

The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. I didn't anticipate anarchy or mutiny while I was away. What's the worst that could happen?

I took off that night, no headings. I tried to follow animal attacks in one area, but the cat was out of the bag now. People knew vampires existed. But most incidents were still referred to as animal attacks so as to not incite fear and mass panic. Should a vampire attack be recorded in the area, people in that area started behaving very strangely; they got out the garlic, the mint; they drank all the tea.

I searched for three years. I found and recruited just about every rogue in the entire United States along the way. They were all eager to meet up, but I never found Rebecca. So I started looking for Jess.

Jess was easier to find, and it led me right to Becks. I found Becks worshipping Jess on her hands and knees with the rest of the Wetebo people. It was so weird to see. The Becks I knew hated Jess. The two could hardly be in the same room, now what? Why had everything so drastically changed?

I surmised that Becks was worshiping Jess because Jess was a pure vampire. She must've thought of herself as dirty and tainted. I didn't like it, because I was what she was. I didn't want to wallow in self pity. I wouldn't.

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