Chapter 18- Coven and Den

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Jess had me help her hunt down many wolf dens. We rounded up 19 wolves and I turned them all into lycans. Then we headed for America on my parents' private plane. All of us could barely fit on the plane.

Having already scoped out all three of the major dens in London, Jess led me from one to the next trying to plead with wolves to make the transition. Many of them had a lot of questions: questions Jess and I didn't have the answer to. Our main appeal was that they would no longer have to shift, which was apparently excruciatingly painful— a pain in which they were forced to endure.

I had read somewhere that if someone was in so much pain, they could actually pass out, but wolves didn't have that luxury. And the transition from human to beast was one wrought with pain.

Our main appeal was luring a lot of them to consider joining my coven, which I would soon convert into a den now I was alpha of all wolves and lycans alike. I needed more space so the wolves didn't have to mingle with the fangs, as Jess casually called them.

But those nineteen wolves I had bitten to cause the curse to affect them didn't know, and probably never would've agreed to join us, what was about to happen to them. Getting back to Kent, Washington was the easy part. Weeks went by of torture, I tested everything on the new lycans. I had them all chained up, because they couldn't be compelled, yet they trusted me. I'd spent my time determining everything they were capable of, their shortcomings, too.

I seemingly had an army of super beast at my disposal. Nothing worked the same. Wolf's sun was the most painful root for werewolves, but lycans could even eat it. There had to be roots that harmed them— magic always had a balance. But I couldn't easily find it. Tea couldn't stop them. Wooden stakes weren't powerful enough. Only silver and decapitation seemed to kill them.

I probably shouldn't have murdered my new den members just for the sake of experimentation, but I didn't really care. The surplus of wolves being born all over the world would easily counteract a few deaths.

I had determined everything, but I was still looking for what roots caused them frenzy. I was down to 14 followers, 14 lycans who would do anything I asked. I wanted to kill the man causing me painful flashbacks. Tim gave me PTSD and killing him was the revenge I wanted. He only dreamed I was still sired to him, because I think he knew what was coming next.

Tim would not stay in Yellowstone. I had Edward and Jacob go to Yellowstone to find him, and they said the lab was abandoned, but where would Tim go?

I kept up with supernatural news for a while waiting for him to create more lycans. But months had passed, and no one had ever even heard of Tim. It was the perfect crime. He tortured us and disappeared. There were no traces of anything.

After three years passed, I wasn't even sure he was even real, or if I made the whole thing up. I was beginning to give up on Tim, my revenge.

I was in my backyard, walking through the forested area. I was nearing the edge of the gated community, then I saw Tim, almost as if he had purposely set up shop so near to me. This whole time he was my neighbor. He was in his back yard training dozens of hybrids. There must've been at least 30. This whole time he was building an army, but why wouldn't have my sources told me about this? Surely, he left at least some morsel of clue behind. I wasn't sure if he knew where I lived or if this was an accident.

If it was an accident, I happened to be one of the luckiest people alive. There I was, minding my own business, when I heard a noise from the other side of my property. My property extended several miles, but I still felt like checking it out.

His house wasn't nearly what mine was. He had a gated yard with high fences. I could only see because I was higher up the hill our properties lay on. He had to know where I lived, but why hadn't he tried to attack me? Why was there no scheme to get me re-sired to him— to do his bidding? He could train the hybrids as much as he wanted, but nothing commanded more obedience than an alpha.

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