Chapter 6- Going Greek

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It was months later, and I lived in Athens, Georgia to attend the University of Georgia. I wanted this portion of my life to be memorable, so I joined a sorority, as I had this lustful urge to have a family, to be part of something bigger than myself.

Sororities were a lot like covens. There were rules and regulations. There were responsibilities. Like any organization, sororities were a way to feel belonging. I'd always felt I'd missed that in my human life. It was why I was so desperate to hunt with someone, most hunters hunted alone.

I wanted to put my vampire life on hold. I still hadn't forgotten about Dawn, but COLTS was too strong to consider taking them down alone. They were disorganized, and I could use that against them, but I needed help. And perhaps, I could find help in a place I thought would result in an immense amount of trust shared between two people. After all, the system by which sororities were founded established that we were like sister. Only this was different, a sorority sister was not related by blood; but by bond, duty, and responsibility.

I would establish myself within a sorority. I didn't exactly want to be part of the devastation of hazing, but if I wanted sisters, I would have to survive rush week. I had heard horror stories about rush week, albeit most of them were about fraternities, but I'd heard horror stories about sororities as well. I didn't exactly look forward to this week, but I would do what was necessary to be bonded forever with my big, grand big, and great grand big.

I infiltrated the Greek scene at UGA very quickly. Of all the sororities I could've picked from, I felt Kappa Alpha Kappa was the best fit for me. The rest of the sororities were either too traditional or too basic to host me. The more traditional sororities wouldn't accept me for who I was. Some of them may not have even let me join. While trans rights were somewhat established now, there was still a lot of people who rejected trans people's place in the world, some of which had been growing in intolerance.

One of the sororities, which I won't name, said I couldn't join them simply because I wasn't a "true woman," whatever the fuck that meant. I was more a woman than anyone I knew, but there was a lot of speculation about me at said sorority. They were probably jealous of me, especially their president. She wasn't even as pretty of a woman as me. In fact, she was ogre-esque, so the only reason I wouldn't be accepted there was simply because I was a beautiful woman.

I liked Kappa Alpha Kappa, though. It probably would've been my best fit. Tolerance of trans women was very high within that group of women. Although trans people were still not welcomed in sports, we were now welcomed in society much more thanks to the relentless activism that started about two decades ago. After gay marriage was made legal in 2015, the LGBTQIA community started pushing for more rights for all of their members. It never would've been accomplished without the support of even people who didn't identify those ways.

But while trans rights had made a big surge only five short years ago with the establishment of the TNBA (Transgender National Basketball Association,) we still had a lot of work to be done. Like many hateful groups before them, an anti-trans movement was started known as Hammer and Nails had exploded onto the scene shortly after transgender people had their first very own sporting league.

Hammer and Nails was founded to spread hate. With the fall of the U.S. empire, the anti-trans members had even been so bold to mutilate and kill transgender people on camera, cowering behind masks, as they stated their claim. This was hardly the first group that exuded violence. There had been many before. Do you know why people crave violence?

People crave violence because it feels good. The only way to totally eliminate violence from society was to withdraw the satisfaction. Most transgender people and our supporters didn't realize they were actually contributing to the problem by viewing these videos so many times. The more popular these videos became on YouTube and TikTok, the more hate-filled children they would inspire. Violence tends to breed in cycles, and we were giving these anti-trans members more power.

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