Chapter Twenty-Four: Practice Makes Perfect

Start from the beginning

The older woman smiled pleasantly. "Blessed. Yourself?"

"Oh, I'm blessed for sure." (Y/n) said proudly before turning to his girlfriend. "Hang on, baby, if you're here, then who's running Heaven?" 

Kate's face flushed red as she hid her face in her hands while her parents chuckled at how embarrassed she was. (Y/n) gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before they sat at the dinner table whilst Kate's father made them breakfast. The smell of cooked bacon sweetened the air at the same time it made their stomachs growl. 

Once their meals were served, the two eighteen year-olds dug in before they prepared to return to Blackwell. Kate's two younger siblings were up and about by the time Kate and (Y/n) were ready to leave. It broke Kate's heart to see her sister frown when the ten year-old realised they were dressed appropriately for going out. 

"Aww, you're going already?!" Lynn whined. 

Kate frowned. "We have to get back to school, Lynn. You know I would love to stay here with you and Tilly but duty calls. And (Y/n) has to do a lot of practicing for the play on Wednesday." 

The younger girl's face suddenly lit up. "We can visit and watch the play!" 

In turn, Kate became filled with joy - unmatched to that of the excitement of her parents - when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Due to her paranoia of being harassed online, she was very hesitant to look at her phone. But until she found the courage to do so, she quickly realised that her best friend Max, had sent her a text. 

Meet @ lighthouse @ 12:20

"Is it Max?" (Y/n) asked. 

Kate glanced up and nodded her head as she tucked her phone away. 

"She wants us to meet her at the lighthouse at lunch." Kate explained with a moony voice. "We should really get going, (Y/n). I promise we can spend more time together next time, Lynn. You know how much I love you." 

Instead of just a regular smile, Lynn provoked her older sister's comfort in a reassuring smile she sent her way before she and her boyfriend walked out of the house to (Y/n)'s car and made their way to Blackwell Academy. (Y/n) had his window rolled down with one arm on the steering wheel and the other on Kate's thigh as the wind that circulated within the car, which made it difficult for Kate to properly tie her hair up despite how much (Y/n) liked it down. 

Upon their arrival at Blackwell Academy, the two made their way to their dorms in order to collect their belongings to get through the day. When they got to their rooms, their lives at the Kate also made sure to feed Alice as she forgot to do so yesterday. Reality didn't hit Kate until she walked through the front doors of Blackwell Academy where fewer people than regular gave her strange looks. It irked her to imagine people were still judging her for the video. 

Kate's paranoia didn't reach a full high as she couldn't tell less people were talking about her. Though it did come as a huge surprise that some people acknowledged Kate with a lack of ridicule and mockery in their voicing their greeting her. Regardless, Kate managed half a smile to those who made an attempt at being sweet to her as she made her way to class. 

When the sound of the school bell ringing, giving everyone the notice that it was finally time for lunch, students flooded out of their classrooms and into the hallways, making it practically impossible for people to get through without almost being knocked over. Kate, however, was patient enough to linger in her class and finalise her work before she too left the room and made her way to the carpark where she would meet (Y/n). 

"I brought food." (Y/n) announced when they got in the car. 

Kate looked around into the back and found a few sandwiches on the back seat, one of which she immediately recognised without even reading the label. 

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