My family

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My family is awesome , they have so much endurance . Growing up we din't have a lot money , my dad had to work hard and my mama would have to go to work come home cook food or whatever is at home cause we dint have alot of food and take care of us , we are totally a family of 5 , i have two brothers who are something alright but they are really sweet , we were not really poor we get by , by God's grace , my mom is the most humble person i know she is stronge and i know that strength comes from God cause what she went through can be only overcomed by jesus , my father is good to but he was not a good christian before he was like a lukewarm kind of person but not anymore 😊 . Well then about me , i love singing i love helping others and i did go through crap created by my self but God still loves me , and i want to tell you that no matter what wrong you have done believe me his love is bigger then whatever you did
you don't have to live in sin like how i did ( i will tell later ) so i just hope you know that jesus loves you and hope you
will be changed from my story , it my not be the best of stories but i do know we go through simple things in life that can rock our world in a good or bad
way but how we deal with it is what actually matters 😌 .

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