𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮

Start from the beginning

As for Classic, he had wandered through the alleys, remaining from the main streets. Why? Who knows. Maybe it was the concept that not many stayed in the alleys. Maybe it was something else. Either way, he found himself carrying on for some time, ignoring how the skies seemed to cloud and that winter chill seemed to pick back up. At some point Classic had grown tired of walking, choosing to lean along a wall in silence.

He simply peered above, peaking past the roofs overhead. Viewing the graying skies that were a good description of his emotions. Of what he felt. In truth, he felt countless things. Anger. Fear. Anxiety. He felt it all. It was just like back then. Back when Classic held such bad habits. Whether it be smoking or something more hidden and long lasting. It only proved he'd sunk far into the abyss of the world, dragged below the edge of sanity.

That said, it left him considering the idea. To welcome back one of the habits that he'd disposed of long ago. Back when he'd met Ccino. It wasn't like smoking killed him. He didn't technically have lungs. But it didn't mean that it didn't burn. It did in fact leave a trace of heat along his frame and at times, left a sort of burn that was hard to ignore. A burn that in truth, made Classic feel alive at times. But it had been such a long time since he'd ever taken a drag of a cigarette. He'd not bought them since he stopped smoking as a whole by request of Ccino. Which only left Classic to sigh in a heavy manner, his head tapping along the brick behind him.

"I hate the world sometimes... Such a piece of shit place with nothing good about it..." Those words were simply spoken in the moment. More for himself than anything. It was probably why he was startled when a voice spoke up and returned a comment. A voice that left his day only seeming to get worse as he peered toward Nightmare with malice.

"There's good, you just haven't found it." If only Classic had the nerve to punch the other. He so desired to let his fist hit that arrogant expression.

"Don't believe I asked for the peanut gallery to speak. What do you even want anyway? Wasn't tormenting me yesterday enough? Are you into stalking now?" Nightmare let his expression shift into something unreadable, leaving Classic honestly waiting to be attacked. But it didn't happen. Instead, he found Nightmare leaning along the wall beside him.

"I'm not stalking you, I was just cautious with that cop being inside the cafe." Classic scoffed, rolling his pinpricks.

"That's stalking..."

"Call it what you want, Classic. Just be glad I'm not in the mood today to hurt you." There was a long pause, Classic narrowing his sockets as he scowled. He pushed off the wall momentarily, facing Nightmare with a look he didn't think he'd ever wear. It left him considering Nightmare's words the prior day. Maybe Classic was stupid. Maybe he really wanted a fight, even if he knew he'd lose.

"You know what... Fuck off. You aren't in the mood to hurt me? You really have a stick lodged so far up your ass, don't you?" Nightmare seemed to stay silent, his eyes widening briefly. Only a fraction or so before he returned back to his usual expression. "Don't you have anything better to do, then to just make my life hell? I tried to save you thinking you needed help that night, but I should have left you in that alley. Ignored you like anyone else would have done. I was trying to be nice. I always try to be nice and the world thanks me by fucking me over!"


"Don't say my name... You're not my friend. You're nothing but my tormentor, so just do whatever... I don't care anymore. Make my life hell. Hurt me. Hell, kill me if that makes you feel all powerful. I'm just so tired... Of everything." Those words left Nightmare in a terrible silence. One that made his expression a bit more readable. He couldn't hold contact with Classic, his eyes diverting elsewhere as he opened his mouth once. Twice. So many times, without a single word falling into the open. He simply didn't know what to say. Not with witnessing Classic's sudden breakdown. "I'm just exhausted from this life of endless bad luck... I can't ever seem to get away from terrible things, no matter how hard I try to."

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