5 |Happy birthday Stupid|

Start from the beginning

'Sorry Chlo, I'm just not a morning person.' She rubbed her eyes sleepily as we started walking towards the school gate.

Looking down at my watch, I saw that it was 7:45am.

'Well neither am I, but...' I lifted the cake up to her face.

'Cake!' I squealed.

Beat's face lit up as she attempted to grab the cake. I managed to pull it away just before she nabbed it.

'Uh.uh.' I waggled my finger at her and pointed to the cake. (CC)

'This here? This ain't for you'

She pouted, then started cooing.

'Did you feel bad for hurting Young's little buddy and decide to get him a cake?'


'Little buddy? What?' I thought hard and then it dawned.

'Eew! NO! He deserved it anyway!' Beatrice crossed her arm and stared at me sarcastically, causing me to throw my hands up in frustration. 'Okay, maybe I didn't have to get physical but he got like THIS close to my face.' I put my free hand about 2 cm from my face, as Beat started to laugh at my rant.

'Wait. How did you know anyway?' I hadn't told anybody about the incident.

Beat shrugged. 'Word gets around fast here' she muttered, as she lunged for the cake again.

Jerking the cake out of her grasp, I shot her a glare.

'Stop it. It's not for you, and you're going to make it all mushy.'

She groaned in defeat then started laughing.

I was probably making her morning slightly better.

Swinging my arm lazily over her shoulder, we entered the school side by side.


Throughout my first few lessons, something didn't feel right. People were whispering more than usual around me. Some people gave me disapproving looks, shocked looks, and even looks of fear.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that the whole school probably knew about my act of brutality, but I didn't care. This is who I am, so they would have to deal with it.

The boys on the other hand, found it hilarious. They pointed fingers at Young while guffawing and it took me saying 'Enough Boys' for them to stop. Young didn't seem to care too much, he just glared at his phone screen, not responding when I called his name. I shrugged.

It was about time to start the plan.

I looked to the boys excitedly, passing them eye signals, trying to cock my head towards Adrian, who was sitting across from me. He had gone back to his book after teasing Young. The boys gathered behind Adrian quietly. Hugo tugged Young away from his phone and to the group while Balram backed away from them slowly.

The group nodded at me, signalling that they were ready.

Here we go.

'Hey' I barked at Adrian, who was reading 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. He was halfway through his cookie, leaving his unfinished curry in front of him. He had light curry stains on his fingers and shirt, and looked like an immature child, especially with his first shirt button undone and his hair completely unkempt.

Did he not know how to eat properly.

Adrian didn't respond, too immersed in the book.

'Adrian~' I sing-songed, lifting the cake bag from my lap to the table. Adrian started tapping his foot and flipped the book page, completely oblivious.

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