Cold hearted love (Flashfrost)

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"It's just a theory I suppose, maybe Caitlin and Oliver aren't dating at all, maybe they're just friends like us," Frost explained, popping her neck.

Barry nodded, glancing at her face, her silver eyes twisted the towel she had in her hands, she had her hair in a messy ponytail, she wore a pair of blue leggings and a navy tank top, she was barefoot in order to slide around more efficiently on the ice. And boy sometimes she surprised him with how fast she could go. 

Barry shivered as he slung his towel over his shoulder. Frost noticed his hazel eyes scanning her.

"Are we not friends?" Frost asked, Barry, blinked.

"Yeah, yeah of course we're friends Frost, good sparring buddies too," Barry stuttered out, his face was red, but Frost thought maybe it was from the cold.

"Another round?" She asked.

Barry shrugged.

"If you want, but if you make another ice wall when I'm about to tackle you I swear to god I'll tickle you at super speed to you'll pee," Barry playfully threatened her. 

Frost laughed and crossed her arms.

"Okay, Barry, I'll be sure to make the wall thicker then, so you'll smack right into it," Frost retorted.

"Yeah, I couldn't phase through it because you did it so fast, but I'll catch you off guard you little rascal."

Barry stood across the room from her, eyeing her movement intently. Barry smiled and motioned for her to come at him.

"As Bruce Lee once said; the dog won't bite back, but I will," Barry stated, putting his hands up in a defensive position. 

Frost launched herself at him, spinning around and trying to kick him in the head, Barry ducked under her and used one finger to push her, that little push at super-speed propelled her across the room, slamming into the cushioned walls of the training room. Barry didn't pause, he didn't stop, he knew Frost was okay and he stopped worrying about hurting her, she was made of tough stuff. 

"What's wrong? Are you a little winded?" Barry asked her jokingly. 

Suddenly he narrowly dodged a high-speed piece of ice that sliced his shirt open, exposing his chest, Barry pulled the shirt off and threw it to the floor. 

"Way to go, you nailed my shirt, that was my favorite," He pouted.

He saw Frost's eyes widen as she stared at his six-pack, Barry smiled. 

"I know right, it's better than Oliver's, right?"

"You had time to work out?"

"We've been doing this for months now Frost, my runner's belly turned into muscle as soon as I needed to get faster to beat you," Barry said. 

Barry sped over to her and pinned her to the wall, he breathed down her back, pressing her wrist into her back. 

"And now that I'm fast, I can easily overpower you," He murmured.

"Even though that's true, speedsters fair poorly against the cold," Frost said.

The room got colder, the floor was starting to freeze, it got to a point where Barry could feel it through his shoes. Frost ran on the wall, getting out of his grip as her legs wrapped around him, her thighs clamping down on his head. Barry was between her legs now, he tried to pry her off of him but he could not, she let herself fall back, taking Barry with her as they fell to the floor. 

"Okay, okay maybe I kind of misjudged you," Barry gasped as Frost tightened her legs around his neck.

"Yeah, you sure did," Frost responded.

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