Chapter 1

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Zayn's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the alarm clock; six forty five. 

Why and the bloody hell am I up this early?

 I tried forcing my eyes back closed, but I couldn't keep them down. I was content on just lying here all morning until one of the boys came in and woke me up. I guess it was what you called our "off season" as a band. We had a few months to ourselves before we had to go at it again and record some more. 

We had all spent most of our time drinking down at the pubs, but lately, I didn't feel much up to it. I wasn't sick or anything, I was just tired. I never realized how quickly I was becoming burned out on this life of fame. Don't get me wrong, I loved my job and loved my fans, but I couldn't even tell you the last time I had time to myself. 

All of these thoughts were buzzing in my mind when I heard a loud crash from downstairs. I jumped up out of bed and slipped into my sweats and hurried through the hall.

"Oi, mate." I turned quickly to see Harry standing there in his door way.

"Harry, you scared the hell out of me. What is going on?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I believe Brad and his 'friend' are back from last night," he said. 

Brad was our new writer from America who Simon asked to help us with our second album. Fortunately, he paid off and was now being asked to help us write for our next project. Brad's little "friend" was Danny, a friend of ours. Danny came over regularly and was always with Brad by the end of the night. It was obvious they were more than friends, but I did believe Brad could do a better job at who he dated. Danny was just looks and charm. He needed someone with personality and intelligence, like myself. 

Wait, what the hell am I saying? Why am I bothered thinking about Danny and Brad?

"And what, are you just going to stand there and listen?" Harry poked at me, his mouth in a grin. I flipped him off and headed back towards my room.

I slipped back behind my door and slid back into my bed. It was still warm. I began feeling my eyes fall gently as I started going back to sleep. Closer and closer, I was drifting into the darkness....

I could feel the sunshine flowing onto my body. It was warm and begged me to stay in bed. I opened my eyes and felt happy; I had no idea why or what was happening, but I was curious as to what was going to happen. I could smell food as it flowed out of the kitchen downstairs. This dream was almost real. I knew I was dreaming, but it felt like something from the past.

I slipped into a black v-neck and slumped down the hall and towards the stairs. As I neared the bottom of the stairs, I could hear the boys laughing and going on. Then I heard someone else. It was Brad. His voice was more than enough to send chills down my back. I stepped into the kitchen and there he was, up on the counter as Niall sung and cooked. Niall knew how to sing and cook both, but it was Brad I was more than curious about. I had only once heard him sing, but it was beautiful. His voice was lower than mine and fell out effortlessly. I was mesmerized and didn't realize I was walking right up to him until I was nestled at his knees. I slipped my body in between them and was pressed to his chest. I had no idea what I was doing, nor did I know why I was pulled towards him of all people. I just know we were at eye level and he pressed his lips to my forehead and whispered in my ear, "Good morning Zayn."

"Good morning baby." What? What did I just say? Why..... Why did I like it?

"Zayn, are you okay? Zayn?" I tried to talk but I couldn't. My whole body began to ache. What was happening to me? I felt my legs go numb and a pain seared through my head. I was blacking out.

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