Inside, the feeling was cold and empty. Freya squinted her eyes to make out something, anything. From a distance, she could feel a surge of power. Against her better judgment, she walked towards it. Making her way through the fog, Freya could feel a layer of tension in the air. The closer she got to the source of power, the thicker and angrier it got. Finally, Freya caught a glimpse of someone. Getting closer, she saw it was Sylvie, and she too was walking towards her. "Syl?" Freya tried. Her heart skipped a beat, happy to see her sister, but the hatred in Sylvie's eyes told her a different story.

     "Murder" Sylvie roared. She sliced the air sending a wave of dark magic, slinging Freya on her back as the air is knocked out of her. "Syl, please let me explain!" Freya pleads gasping while forcing herself to get up. "You were supposed to protect me" Sylvie screams sending another wave of dark magic towards Freya causing her to fall to a knee. "I'm not going to fight you!" Freya shouts standing up again taking a step forward. A sudden jolt of searing pain enveloped her body as she took a step closer. It felt as if someone had thrown acid on her. "You killed our mother!" Sylvie roared in a monstrous tone flinging razor-sharp stones at Freya cutting her body as it flew at her. "You think I wanted to! I couldn't control it!" Freya retorts winching at the memory of their mother's lifeless body impaled by her vines.

      "If you weren't so weak and useless, mother would be alive!" Sylvie said coldly twisting her hands in a circular motion. The wind began to circulate gathering pieces of rubble. Dark thick mist poured out of her hands and into the wind causing Freya's lungs to burn. "Sylvie, please...I'm your sister" Freya croaks struggling to take deep breaths. She reached out for her sister. Sylvie waved her hand and her dark mist wrapped around Freya's wrist and ankles forcing her on her stomach. As the dark mist wrapped tighter, she could feel it slicing into her skin causing excruciating pain. "Fuckk" Freya hissed through the pain. Her vision began to get blurry, her head was pounding due to the lack of oxygen, and she was on the verge of passing out.

     "Remember what Mother said?" Sylvie questioned. "Losing control is a death sentence" she added coldly as she forced her dark mist into Freya's eyes and mouth sending agonizing spasms throughout her limbs. It was burning her from the inside. 'Fight it...don't let it consume you' Freya's thoughts commanded. She forced her fingers into the dirt. She called upon her earth magic. She could feel the essence of life around her. 'I'm sorry' Freya thought to herself as she ripped the essence of life from the unknown dying villagers from the ground above her. She moved their sacrificial life essence into her body. As it flew through her, it instantly took the pain away and filled her with power, giving her the strength to rip from Sylvie's binds. "I know I said I wouldn't fight you, but you're really starting to piss me off" Freya gritted her teeth.

      She gets up and sends a vine towards Sylvie, wrapping it around her arm as she tried to dodge it. "How did you do that" Sylvie spat, slicing at the vine that had a hold of her. "You think you're the only one that was affected by what happened? I fucking died Syl! I woke up to dead bodies and ashes of what was left of our village and forest!" Freya shouted walking towards her sister. "No stay back" Sylvie sneered backing away. "Do you think I didn't search for you every damn day?" Freya yelled. "I killed any and everyone that got in my way of getting you back!" Freya added coldly. She took another step towards her. "You think you're terrifying? You think because you killed a couple of people here and there you're damned to hell? Like your darkness is the only evil in this world." Sylvie could see the darkness flickering in Freya's eyes as she stood a few feet away. "If I could show you the things I had to do to get here little sister..." Freya's voice lowered, menacingly. "You wouldn't be able to even look at me right now." she spat. "I've come too far to hear you bitch and moan." Sylvie tried to speak but a sudden slap to the face stopped her. "You are MY little sister, not the other way around. We are strong, powerful, and can survive anything...So listen to your big sister and pull your shit together." she finished warmheartedly. Freya could see her sister's eyes well up with tears and her lip quiver before the projection of Sylvie faded away, merging with the fog around Freya. "What the hell?" Freya cursed. The tension in the air evaporated. The cold and empty feeling returned. Freya looked around to find herself alone in the fog again. Her hands trembled at the heated conversation between her and her sister's projection. She balled them into fists as she concentrated on where to go next. The faint cries in the distance answered her.

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